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Our services: Borrow from us: Request

From borrowing to returning, loan periods to details of charges for late returns - this guide has all the information you need about borrowing from us.

Making a Request 

We offer a variety of ways in which you can request access to items and resources if they are not available within our collections or you can’t physically access them. 

You can make a request for the following: 

  • A new purchase, or additional copies of items already in our collections 
  • Items available through Inter-Library Loans (ILL) 
  • Scans of chapters or articles through our Scan and Deliver service 
  • Items to be posted to a UK address through our Postal Loans service. 

Please note, this service does not allow you to reserve an item currently out on loan, or items held at Divines Library, Ushaw College or our Remote Store – please see our Reserve guide for more information.  

Requesting a new purchase 

All University students and staff can request a item to be purchased and added to our collections. You might want to request an item to support your studies and research, for general interest or leisure reading – all requests are welcome. 

You can also find out more about our More Books and Liberate My Library initiatives on our Requesting a Purchase guide. 

Inter-Library Loans  

Inter-Library Loans (ILL) gives Durham University staff and students access to material not currently held by the Library, including books, journals, chapters, articles, theses, conferences and patents. A link to the ILL Request Form will show on items in Discover, and a blank ILL Request Form is available for any items not listed in Discover.

Articles will be delivered directly to your Durham University email address. Books will be held at Bill Bryson Library for collection - you will receive an email when the book(s) are available. 

Postal loans   

This service is available to all University staff and students who are not currently residing in a DH postcode, allowing you to request items held in University Library and Collections to be posted first class to a UK address outside Durham City.  

You can submit postal loan requests on two occasions per month, up to a maximum of five requests in one day (and a total of 10 requests in one month). Normal loan limits apply and the item you require must be available on the shelf – you won’t be able to reserve an item that is out on loan.

Scan and Deliver  

Available to all current University members who are not currently residing in a DH postcode, this free service allows you to request scans of chapters and articles available in print in Bill Bryson Library for individual research only (normal copyright restrictions apply).   

You may make two request submissions a calendar month, with a maximum of five items per submission.  

When you select ‘scan and deliver’ as a delivery option, give details of the book chapter, or journal article you want and make sure to agree to the copyright declaration. 

How to make a request 

Before submitting a request, please check Discover to see if the item you need is already available, either as an online resource or a physical copy in Bill Bryson Library. 

  • To make a request, log in to Discover, search for the item and click the relevant button on the item record.
    Please note, you will only see buttons for the request options that are currently available for that particular item (you will need to be signed in to view the available options). 
  • When completing the form, please make sure you enter the reason for your request using the specific options listed at the top of the form, e.g. “For my dissertation/thesis” or “More Books/additional copies” etc.

Alternatively, you can complete the relevant service request form from the menu at the top of the Discover homepage. Please be aware, the details of the item you require won’t be pre-populated using these forms – you will need to enter the full information manually. 

Requests will normally be processed within seven working days, although some requests may take longer due to additional checks being required. 

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