Items that you borrow will renew automatically every three weeks for 12 months, as long as they haven’t been reserved by another user. After 12 months, you will then need to return these items to the library. (Please note, College items will automatically renew for 6 months.)
This doesn’t apply to any 3-day loans, as these items can’t be renewed.
You can check the due date at any time through your library account, available under “My Library Card” on Discover.
Charges will only be added to your account for any overdue reserved items. If your loan has been reserved and you are in the UK, you can return it by using our book drop, self-service returns machines in Bill Bryson Library or using our free postal service. Find out more on our Returns guide.
You can get in touch through our live chat service or by email, and search our FAQs for answers to your questions.