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DULib Wellbeing: Books and Electronic Resources

Books and Electronic Resources

We have so many books and resources available to you in our libraries, and it’s not just about your studies! We have a variety of fiction books for leisure reading, and lifestyle books including cooking, budgeting, wellbeing and craft activities - all available to you through your library. You can search our library catalogue, Discover to see what is available, or browse our curated reading lists below for inspiration.

Free access to eBooks, audiobooks and magazines through Libby 

You can now access our latest digital leisure reading and wellbeing collections for free through Libby! 

A selection of fiction, non-fiction and wellbeing eBooks, audiobooks and magazines are available for free to all current Durham University students and staff. You can stream titles with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. 

How to get started with Libby 

1. You can access our collections through Libby online or by downloading the Libby app: 

2. Follow the prompts to find Durham University Library and ‘sign in with a library card’ (this is to create a digital library card with Libby to access our collections on the app) - you will need to use your Durham University login details for this. 

3. You’re now ready to find something to borrow!  

  • Tap Search to find a specific title, author, series, etc. 
  • Tap Library to browse our Libby catalogue. You'll find helpful filters, catalogue guides, campaigns, and curated lists created by us. 

You can: 

  • Check out up to 3 titles at a time.  
  • Borrow titles for up to 21 days.  
  • Place a hold on 3 titles at a time.   

If we don’t have the title you’re looking for in our collection, you can use the title search and select the ‘Notify Me’ button on the title to ask us to consider adding it. 

4. Your loans and magazines appear on your Shelf Shelf, in the navigation footer. By default, book and audiobook loans are automatically downloaded for offline access when you're connected to Wi-Fi, but magazines are not. 

On your Shelf: 

  • Tap ‘Loans’ to read or manage your borrowed titles. 
  • Tap ‘Holds’ to see your place in line and manage your holds. 
  • Tap ‘Timeline’ to see your Libby activity history. 
  • Tap ‘Notices’ to see in-app notifications for your loans and holds.  You can choose what you want to be notified about under Menu > Notifications. 
  • Tap a magazine on your magazine rack to start reading. 

For more help, visit Libby Help.  

Browse all our leisure and wellbeing collections

As well as accessing our digital collections through Libby, we also have the following reading lists for our leisure and wellbeing collections, available to you through our library catalogue, Discover

​​​You can also take a look at our film and television resources - available to you for free as members of Durham University.

More Books

More Books is an easy and direct way for all Durham University staff and students to tell us about books you think should be added to the Library. 

Whether it’s more copies of existing books, a book we don’t have or a new book that’s just been published, let us know by making a request and we will try and buy it. This can include fiction, wellbeing or general interest, as well as academic books.

To find out more about how to make a request, visit our Requesting a Purchase guide.

Liberate My Library

Liberate My Library is our ongoing initiative to help diversify our collections and increase representation from groups including BAME, gender and identity, LGBT+ and disability. We want our collections to represent our staff, students and local community that we are a part of. 

To do this, staff and students are encouraged to put forward suggestions of relevant books and resource titles for us to purchase and make available within the Library.

We have created a reading list of all the titles we have added to our collections through the Liberate My Library initiative, allowing you to browse titles for inspiration. If there’s a title you feel is missing, send us your request! 

To find out more, visit our Requesting a Purchase guide.