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DULib Wellbeing: Home

Here at University Library and Collections, we know just how important it is to help support your wellbeing. Our wellbeing guide gives you access to resources and information to support you wherever you are. From eBooks to podcasts, calming resources to entertaining viewing - we hope you'll find just what you need to help improve your wellbeing.

Revision and Exams

Film and television eResources

Silhouette of Durham Cathedral

The Snug

Two students sitting on a beanbag laughing in The Snug

Mental wellbeing

View across Durham city towards Durham Cathedral

Durham University support services

Study support

Durham Cathedral

Podcasts and playlists

View of Durham Cathedral across the River Wear

Take a break

Durham Peninsular from above

Free Breakfast Club

Books and Electronic Resources

Open book with two pages turned in to the spine to make a heart shape

Bill Bryson Library 24/7

Bill Bryson Library at night

Keeping active and eating well

The River Wear with trees hanging over and two people in a rowing boat

DULib Cost of Living guide