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Library Research Support: Open Research: Open scholarship data management tools

This guide is intended to provide advice and support on open access research, including guidance around Durham Research Online (DRO), open access publishing, research data management and related topics.


The Research Support Team recommends the tools below because they can help you with various aspects of research data management.  These tools are mentioned elsewhere in the LibGuides but the aim of this guide is to bring all the tools together in one place.

Data management planning tool

The tool: 


Brief description:

This tool can be used to write a Data Management Plan (DMP), a document which describes the research data you will create during a project, and how you intend to collect, protect, store, analyse and share your research data.  For more information, please consult Writing a good data management plan.

Cool features:

  • Includes funder templates so choose the template provided by your funder.
  • Includes many examples of DMPs created by other researchers at Durham.
  • Includes detailed guidance to help you interpret jargon.
  • Request feedback once you have completed a draft of your DMP.

When to use it:

  • When your funder says you must submit a DMP with your grant application.
  • When you go through the University's ethical review process.

Example usage:

Writing a good DMP using the ESRC template


University of Edinburgh created the software and maintains it.

Publishing data

The tool / service: 

Durham University Research Data Repository

Brief description:

Publish your (anonymised) research data in the data repository, and create a permanent link between your research paper and your research data.  For more information, please consult the detailed guidance under Publishing research data.

Cool features:

  • Cite your research data easily by DOI.
  • Comply with funder requirements for publishing research data.
  • For large and complex datasets, create a collection containing a number of smaller items.

When to use it:

When your paper is accepted for review or publication and when you have less than 700 Gb of research data.

Example usage:

  • Typical dataset:
    Marochov, M, and Carbonneau, P. (2020): Image Classification of Marine-terminating Outlet Glaciers Using Deep Learning Methods: Pre-trained Models. Durham University, (dataset).  DOI:
  • Largest dataset collection (640 Gb) containing sixty items:
    Breckon, T.P., Li, L., Ismail, K., Shum, H. (2021):  DurLAR: A High-Fidelity 128-Channel LiDAR Dataset with Panoramic Ambient and Reflectivity Imagery for Multi-Modal Autonomous Driving Applications.  Durham University.  (dataset).  Link to collection:


Library and CIS

Research and GDPR decision tool

The tool: 

Research and GDPR decision tool

Brief description:

This tool tells you if the General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) apply to your research project.  If GDPR applies, the tool further tells you what measures you need to take in the course of your research.

Cool features:

  • Fully interactive graphical user interface
  • User-friendly

When to use it:

Typically use the tool at the planning stages of a research project.


Research and Innovation Services


F.A.I.R. data assessment tool

The tool: 

F-UJI automated F.A.I.R. data assessment tool

Brief description:

The tool takes one DOI as an input and then it assesses the FAIRness of the corresponding dataset based on seventeen metrics.  How Findable is the dataset?  How Accessible is the dataset?  How Interoperable is the dataset?  How Re-useable is the dataset?  For each metric, its F.A.I.R. assessment level is determined to be either incomplete, initial, moderate or advanced.  A separate guide covers the F.A.I.R. data principles.

Cool features:

  • Simple to use
  • Efficient

When to use it:

After you have a DOI for your research data

Example usage:

In each case below, copy the DOI and assess the DOI using the F-UJI assessment tool.

  • This dataset, published in Zenodo, has an overall F.A.I.R. level of advanced (79%):
    Banda, Juan M., et al (2023): A large-scale COVID-19 Twitter chatter dataset for open scientific research - an international collaboration.  Version 148.  Zenodo.  (dataset)  DOI:
  • This dataset, published in the Durham University Research Data Repository, has an overall F.A.I.R. level of moderate (50%):
    Cox, Harrison (2022): Nature Inspired Substrate-independent Omniphobic and Antimicrobial Slippery Surfaces.  Durham University.  (dataset).  DOI:


Anusuriya Devaraju and Robert Huber

Storage options tool

The tool: 

CIS storage options tool

Brief description:

This tool helps you choose the most appropriate storage solution for your research project.  Most researchers at Durham will use one or more of the following storage solutions:  OneDrive for Business, Sharepoint, Personal Research Storage (PRS), Shared Research Storage (SRS).

Cool features:

  • Easy to use

When to use it:

As soon as you begin creating, collecting or measuring your research data.
