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Library Research Support: Open Research: Publisher Agreements

This guide is intended to provide advice and support on open access research, including guidance around Durham Research Online (DRO), open access publishing, research data management and related topics.

Publisher Agreements


We have a range of publisher deals available for Durham authors wishing to publish open access.  Many of these deals provide free APCs for Durham corresponding authors; others provide a discount on the APC.

Please note, these deals do not endorse any particular publisher or attempt to influence author choice. They have been signed up to based on the publishing activity of Durham researchers in combination with financial considerations, and are designed to support innovation in Open Access publishing.

If you have any questions about any of the following deals, or would like to enquire about potential agreements with publishers not listed here, please contact

Current deals

Transitional Agreements (TAs)


TAs are those contracts negotiated between institutions (libraries, national and regional consortia) and publishers that transform the business model underlying scholarly journal publishing, moving from one based on toll access (subscription) to one in which publishers are remunerated a fair price for their open access publishing services. [Plan S - Publication fees, Costs, prices & business models | Plan S (]


You may see the term “transformative agreement” or “transitional agreement” or “read and publish agreement” referred to on our webpages or in communications from your publishers. 

The fees that the Library is paying towards these agreements are covering Article Processing Charges (APCs) for eligible Durham authors to publish gold open access in a wide range of journals, as well as covering subscription payments to enable non-open access content to be read. The negotiations for these agreements have been done on behalf of UK universities by Jisc Collections and details of their role can be found on their webpages.


Who can make use of the agreements?

Where you, with a Durham University affiliation, are:

  • the corresponding author
  • publishing in a journal covered by an agreement
  • publishing an article “type” covered by an agreement

you will find that you can publish fully open access and the cost of the APC will be covered for you. 

The agreements are available to all current students and staff and are not dependent upon any external funding. If you are acknowledging UK Research Council and are submitting to a journal that is not fully open access, it is advisable that you include a Submission Statement in your submitted manuscript (see p.3 of UKRI's Open Access Policy for example text). This statement is a compulsory requirement for submissions acknowledging Wellcome Trust funding (known as a Rights Retention Statement; more details here). If you are funded by either Wellcome Trust or UKRI and would like more information please do still contact for guidance on compliance with your funder’s open access policies. 


How do they work?

It is important to note that each of the deals work in different ways and you will need to familiarise yourself with the terms that are relevant to you. Some of the deals are capped (limited to a certain number of APCs across the institutions signed up to the agreement) and so it may not be possible to know until the point of acceptance whether you will be able to publish gold open access through the agreement. 

You will find the details of our current agreements summarised under the tabs for each publisher and, where available, there will be links to additional information on the publisher’s webpages. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch


Fully Open Access – Flat Fee

Some fully open access journals and journal/publishing platforms do not charge individual Article Processing Charges (APCs) to authors. Instead, a single invoice is paid annually by an institution and this covers the publishing costs for all eligible authors. 

Fully Open Access – No Author Fees

Some fully open access journals and journal/publishing platforms do not charge individual APCs to authors. There are still costs involved with the publication process and these are met through financial contributions from consortia (often universities/university libraries). 


Some of the deals that we have offer authors a discount on the APCs that they are charged to publish open access in fully open access journals. The remainder of the fee will still need to be paid by the author or, if eligible, from either the Wellcome or UKRI Block Grant. If you wish to apply for funds from either award you are advised to ensure that this is done at the point of submission.  

Subscribe to Open

Subscribe to Open (S2O) is a business model that uses subscription payments to convert paywalled journals to full open access.  If institutions continue to pay their subscriptions and support is sufficient, new volumes are published open access under a Creative Commons license; if support is insufficient, the paywall is retained.

Rights Retention for open access compliance

This is a cost-free way of meeting a funder’s open access requirements for immediate open access.  Some publishers have committed to permitting the author accepted manuscripts of funded articles to be deposited in repositories, where they can be made openly accessible from the point of publication with a CC BY licence


AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science Journals 

OA compliance: AAAS is currently piloting the use of the Rights Retention Strategy for OA compliance. This pilot will run until 31 December 2025 and covers the following hybrid journals:

  • Science Online
  • Science Signaling
  • Science Translational Medicine
  • Science Immunology
  • Science Robotics

From January 15, 2021 and on a trial basis, AAAS will allow authors funded by cOAlition S organizations (this includes UK Research Councils and Wellcome Trust) to place a CC BY or a CC BY-ND license (if permitted by the funder) on their accepted manuscripts (which should then be deposited in our institutional repository, DRO).

The pilot for cOAlition S-funded researchers ensures these researchers can continue to publish in the Science family journals and comply with their funders open access requirements.  This pilot will apply to any eligible research articles submitted to the Science family subscription journals on or after 1 January, 2021.  During the pilot the License to Publish authors sign will confirm this policy.

The announcement from AAAS can be found here.


Deal type

Rights Retention for open access compliance

How to use
  • Ensure that you are acknowledging your funding (including grant code)

  • Ensure that you add to your submission the rights retention statement as required by your funder:

  • If you wish to apply a CC BY-ND licence to your work rather than a CC BY licence ensure that you apply directly to UKRI for permission to do so at least 10 days prior to submission. The form to use to apply can be found here.
Your article should then be deposited in DRO prior to publication 

NOTICE: 20 December 2024 [UPDATED 2 January 2025]

UK HEIs are currently engaged in negotiations with the American Chemical Society (ACS) - the current agreement ends on 31 December 2024.

Whilst negotiations continue, an agreement has been reached to cover open access publishing until 31st March 2025 or until negotiations end (whichever date is sooner). Eligible articles accepted for publication on or prior to this date will still be eligible to be covered by the existing agreement.

However, until further notice, we are unable to confirm that publishing costs for open access in hybrid ACS journals will be able to be covered where an article has not been accepted for publication prior to this date, and we can not use any existing open access funding.


American Chemical Society (ACS) Read and Publish agreement.

The 2022-24 Transitional Agreement with the ACS will enable eligible Durham University corresponding authors to publish their research in ACS titles. This unlimited Read and Publish agreement includes publishing in their hybrid and fully Open Access titles, with additional APC coverage by exception in ACS' OA partner journals (e.g. by a waiver, which must be applied for), as listed here:

  • Chemical & Biomedical Imaging - APCs for manuscripts submitted by December 31, 2025 are covered by the journal.
  • Precision Chemistry APCs for manuscripts submitted by December 31, 2025 are covered by the journal.
  • Chem & Bio EngineeringAPCs for manuscripts accepted by January 31, 2025 are covered by the journal.
  • Environment & HealthAuthors who submit their manuscripts by December 31, 2025 may apply for an APC waiver if their paper is accepted after peer review. Authors can request waivers from the editorial team.
  • Artificial PhotosynthesisAPCs for manuscripts accepted in the first three years are covered by the journal. Manuscript submission begins January 2024.

Eligible authors

Corresponding authors whose articles are accepted by ACS qualify to have their articles published under the ACS Read & Publish Program for the respective journal article, if all of the following conditions are met at the time of submission of the manuscript:

  • Corresponding author must be identified as the individual who is to communicate with ACS throughout the peer review process
  • Corresponding author must be a current Durham University member of staff or student 
  • Corresponding author must indicate affiliation to Durham University by identifying it via a provided dropdown menu during the online manuscript submission process

Eligible articles

All research articles in all ACS journals, including ACS Omega, JACS Au, the ACS Au collection, and all ACS hybrid journals.

Licence options

The publisher offers authors a choice of CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND licences.

  • IMPORTANT (UKRI and Wellcome funded authors): You must use the CC BY licence to meet the terms of your funding contract.
  • IMPORTANT (Other funders): Please check the terms of your funding contract to confirm if a specific open licence is required for your article.

ACS will submit for deposit of definitive articles of record in PubMed Central.

Please note that the agreement does not cover any submission fee, page charges or colour charges. These also cannot be covered by either the UKRI Open Access Block Grant or the Wellcome Block Grant and must be met by the author directly.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered


How to use


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions, please email


We have signed up to the Jisc Read & Publish deal with the American Institute of Physics (AIP) to 31st Dec 2025. 

Through this deal, Durham corresponding authors can publish gold open access in one of the publisher’s hybrid titles detailed below and the Article Processing Charge (APC) can be covered.   

Article type covered by the deal: Research article, Brief Communication, Communication, Conference Article, Perspective, Review. For other article types please contact  

Licence type available: CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution) – this licence will meet any external funder’s open access requirements including UKRI and Wellcome 

Please note that this deal is capped/limited and availability will only be known at the point of acceptance. You will need to indicate at the point of submission that you wish to publish gold open access under the terms of this agreement but if there are no available APCs at the point of acceptance, the publisher will contact you to ask how you would like to proceed. At that point you can opt to publish via the subscribe-to-access route. 

If you are acknowledging funding from one of the UK Research Councils or Wellcome, please still contact in relation to your article. 

Titles included in deal 

  • AIP Conference Proceedings 
  • American Journal of Physics 
  • Applied Physics Letters 
  • Applied Physics Reviews 
  • AVS Quantum Science 
  • Biointerphases 
  • Biomicrofluidics 
  • Chaos 
  • Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 
  • Journal of Applied Physics (S2O)
  • Journal of Laser Applications 
  • Journal of Mathematical Physics 
  • Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 
  • Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 
  • Journal of Rheology 
  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 
  • Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 
  • Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 
  • LIA Conference Proceedings 
  • Low Temperature Physics 
  • Physics of Fluids 
  • Physics of Plasmas (S2O)
  • Review of Scientific Instruments 
  • Surface Science Spectra 
  • The Journal of Chemical Physics 
  • The Physics Teacher 

Titles not included in deal 

  • Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 
  • Physics Today 

Please note that this deal is capped/limited and availability will only be known at the point of acceptance. You will need to indicate at the point of submission that you wish to publish gold open access under the terms of this agreement but if there are no available APCs at the point of acceptance, the publisher will contact you to ask how you would like to proceed. At that point you can opt to publish via the subscribe-to-access route.

If you are acknowledging funding from one of the UK Research Councils or Wellcome, please still contact in relation to your article.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

How to use
  • Follow the guidance on the publisher's webpages and/or in the author guide (PDF) below at the point of submission to indicate your preference for gold open access under the terms of this agreement

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The transitional offer provides unlimited open access publishing to current Durham University-affiliated corresponding authors in APS' hybrid journals to 31st December 2025.

Eligible authors: 

Identified via their affiliation to a JISC member institution and affiliation. Authors will need to: 

  • use their Durham affiliation and their Durham email address at the point of submission so that APS can identify eligible authors. 

Eligible journals: 
  • Physical Review Letters 
  • Physical Review A 
  • Physical Review B 
  • Physical Review C 
  • Physical Review D 
  • Physical Review E 
  • Physical Review Applied 
  • Physical Review Fluids 
  • Physical Review Materials 
Eligible article types:  

Regular Articles, Letters, Rapid Communications, Reviews, Perspectives, and Short Papers. 

Deal Type: 

100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered. Please note that no other charges (e.g. extra page charges) are included. 

How the agreement works: 

APS have committed to identifying eligible articles based on the criteria above and will automatically opt authors into gold OA publication where these criteria have been met. All eligible articles will be published on an Open Access CC BY license with authors retaining copyright. 

UKRI-funded authors are still required to include a Submission Statement at the point of submission (see p.3, UKRI Open Access Policy).

How to use: 

APS have recently updated their submissions system. This allows Durham corresponding (submitting) authors to see their eligibility for the agreement at the point of submission. An overview of their workflow is linked can be found here: APS Submissions Workflow. Key things to note:

  • The corresponding (submitting) author is the person eligible for the open access agreement. This can't be changed after submission
  • Your Durham University affiliation and email address should be used on submission 
  • UKRI-funded authors are still required to include a Submission Statement at the point of submission (see p. 3 UKRI Open Access Policy linked below). 
  • The submissions system will provide information on your open access options and eligibility but authors do not choose if they would like open access or not at submission.
  • For any article identified as potentially eligible for an open access agreement, the default route at publication will be open access with a CC BY license, subject to the author’s agreement. 

Please get in touch with the Open Access team if you have any further questions. 

For papers which report original research in high energy physics, the existing SCOAP3 agreement still applies:   


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email




From 1st January 2021 to 31st Dec 2024, Durham corresponding authors can publish open access in the American Physiological Society's 12 hybrid journals. Update (18.12.24): This deal has been renewed from 1st January 2025 to 31st Dec 2025.

  • American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology
  • American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
  • American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology
  • American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
  • American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
  • American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology
  • Journal of Applied Physiology
  • Journal of Neurophysiology
  • Physiological Genomics
  • Physiology
  • Physiological Reviews

Articles will be published under a CC BY licence. 

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do:
  • The publisher states: APS will automatically identify these authors based on their institutional affiliation. Upon acceptance of their manuscript with APS, the author will be notified that their work can be published under an open CC-BY license without paying article processing charges. This option, provided by their library and APS, allows the author to retain copyright of their article.

  • Further guidance is available from the publisher's website

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions, please email


The transitional two-year pilot offer provides capped open access publishing to current Durham University-affiliated corresponding authors publishing in 86 hybrid APA titles, 15 hybrid Hogrefe titles, plus 25% APC discount in 3 fully OA Hogrefe journals. See APA Eligible Titles for a list of included titles. 

Deal duration

1st August 2024 to 31st July 2026 

Eligible article types

Original peer-reviewed research articles or review articles (book reviews are not eligible).  

Authors affiliated with UK institutions participating in APA’s Jisc agreement may publish open access in one of APA’s 86 hybrid journals with no Article Processing Charge due by the author/s, provided that:  

  • The named corresponding author is a current Durham University member.  
  • The article is an original peer-reviewed research article or review article.  

The agreement does not cover any additional publication charges (e.g. extra page charges or colour charges).  These also cannot be covered by either the UKRI Open Access Block Grant or the Wellcome Block Grant and must be met by authors directly.  

This agreement is currently subject to a sector-wide publishing cap. We recommend that authors contact us via to seek up-to-date guidance at the point of acceptance.  

APA will also deposit qualifying Version of Record articles (published articles) funded by Wellcome Trust, UKRI, and NIHR to PMC, which gets mirrored on Europe PMC.   

You can find more about this agreement on APA’s webpage

Licence choice

All articles under this agreement will be published under the CC BY copyright license. Upon publication, articles will be made immediately open access.

Durham-affiliated corresponding authors are also entitled to zero embargo green open access and may attach a CC-BY licence to the accepted manuscript. 

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered  

How to use: 

Authors who meet the above requirements can submit their manuscript via the submission portal of the selected journal. Upon submission, the corresponding author must provide funder information and a Ringgold affiliation ID. If the submission is accepted, authors will be ushered through an open access and copyright approval process. For more information about this process, please see APA's Author Workflow.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions, please email


Annual Reviews is following a 'Subscribe to Open' approach which Durham is supporting.  

Essentially, this means that libraries subscribe, and if subscription revenue is high enough the following journals will be published open access

  • Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 
  • Annual Review of Cancer Biology
  • Annual Review of Environment and Resources
  • Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 
  • Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
  • Annual Review of Political Science
  • Annual Review of Public Health
  • Annual Review of Virology 

From January 2023, and where Subscribe to Open titles flip to fully Open Access journals: 

  • the Version of Record (VoR) will be openly accessible, with a CC BY licence, via the Publisher’s website. The publisher will deposit the Version of Record in PubMed Central/Europe PMC.

Where titles do not flip to fully open access:

  • a green open access 'backstop' is offered to all authors, regardless of funding. All authors have the right to deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) in an institutional or subject repository no later than the time of final publication, with a CC BY licence and no embargo.
Deal type

Subscribe to open

What to do
  • If subscription levels are high enough across institutions, the year's volume will be published open access. UKRI funded authors should continue to follow funder policy advice and should include the following text in the funding acknowledgement section of the manuscript and any cover letter/note accompanying the submission:

‘For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising.’ Where permitted by UKRI, ‘Open Government Licence’ or ‘Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY-ND) licence may be stated instead. 

As Annual Reviews do not currently have a funding acknowledgement section for submissions to all Annual Reviews titles, grant details should be added to the ‘Disclosure Statement’.


We are signed up to ‘ACM Open 2023-2025 Agreement’ which offers open access publishing to current Durham University-affiliated corresponding authors publishing in ACM journals until 31/12/2025. 

Eligible authors:

Current members of Durham University, identified by their use of institutional email address and affiliation at the point of submission and in any correspondence with the publisher 

Eligible publications:

see The ACM Full-Text Collection  

Eligible publication types:

Journal, magazine, and conference proceedings 

  • Eligible article types:  

    • Journal: research-article, review-article, short-paper, survey, technical-note, interview  
    • Magazine: research-article, review-article, interview 
    • Conference proceeding: research-article, short-paper, technical-note, tutorial 

Licence options:

Authors will be offered a choice of licence. 

  • IMPORTANT (UKRI and Wellcome Trust funded authors): You must select a CC BY licence to meet your funder requirements (this option is displayed as radio button ‘CC licence’ in the publisher’s system; no other license derivatives may be selected). 
  • IMPORTANT (Other funders): Please check the terms of your funding contract to confirm if a specific open licence is required for your article. 
Deal Type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered 

How to use
  • Use your Durham University email address to submit, and in any further correspondence with the publisher. 

  • State your Durham University affiliation on submission 

Please note that, when completing the eRights Form after acceptance, you will be given three licencing options: 'Institutionally Paid Open Access', 'Exclusive Right to Publish' and 'Copyright Transfer'. Only authors who opt for 'Institutionally Paid Open Access' will benefit from gold open access publication under the terms of the agreement.

Please see the attached PDF guide (below) for the full author workflow and please get in touch with the Open Access team if you have any further questions. 

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


We have signed up to the Brill Journals Read and Publish deal via Jisc to 31st December 2026. 

The Agreement offers current Durham corresponding authors uncapped OA research article publishing for research articles, review articles and conference papers in all of Brill’s journals (including gold titles) and includes all journal titles acquired by Brill during the course of the agreement. This includes journal titles published by Wageningen Academic Publishers B.V. and by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage at a point when Brill's integration plans enables them to do so. For enquiries about Wageningen Academic Publishers B.V. and by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage titles, please contact ahead of submission. 

For more information see Brill's webpages.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do:
  • Submit your article to your journal contact at Brill with the request to publish open access and indicate that you are an author affiliated with one of the eligible institutions in the United Kingdom. Once the article gets accepted, it will be published in open access right away and free of charge.

  • If you submit your article through Editorial Manager, you will be asked during the submission process whether you are eligible for the agreement. Once the article is accepted, it will be published open access right away and free of charge.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email



From January 2021 to December 2025, Durham University have signed up to the Cambridge University Press deal through Jisc.  This allows unlimited publishing in both pure gold open access and hybrid CUP titles for current Durham corresponding authors. 

To be eligible, articles must:


Cambridge University Press also offer an alternative route to immediate open access publication for Durham authors publishing in their subscription-only journals, known as ‘Green-by-Exception’, which operates on the condition that we, as an institution, subscribe to the journal of publication (please check with us if you are unsure whether this is the case).

‘Green-by-Exception’ also permits funded Durham authors publishing in CUP’s hybrid journals (who are not the named corresponding author so are not covered by our TA for gold Open access but who still require a compliant route to publication) to deposit their Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) into Durham Research Online with a CC BY licence and no embargo. Corresponding authors will continue to publish as gold open access, as above.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

How to use
  • Once your article is accepted, you will be informed you are eligible for open access publishing - based on your Durham University affiliation.  
  • You can choose to publish open access.
  • You can then choose your open access licence. 
  • The Library will be asked by CUP to confirm your eligibility to publish under the terms of the deal.

More comprehensive details and guidance can be found on the publisher's webpages, the FAQs, and on the step-by-step guide.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


18.12.2024 Update: A new agreement covering 1st January 2025 - 31st December 2026 has been reached.  The Cold Spring Harbor Journals "Read and Publish" Agreement gives Durham University corresponding authors open access publishing for their research and review articles under a CC BY licence in the following journals: 

Fully peer-reviewed research and review articles accepted for publication are eligible for Open Access publishing. Editorials, comments, protocols, methods, and similar material are not eligible. 

The current agreement runs from 1st January 2023 - 31st December 2024. More information is available on the publisher webpages.  

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs are covered.

What to do
  • Eligible articles will be identified by the publisher by your institutional email and affiliation so please ensure that these are used.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The Company of Biologists' Read and Publish Transitional Agreement gives Durham University corresponding authors unlimited open access publishing for their research articles under a CC BY licence in the following journals:

  • Development
  • Journal of Cell Science
  • Journal of Experimental Biology
  • Disease Models & Mechanisms (fully OA)
  • Biology Open (fully OA)

The current agreement runs from 1st January 2022 - 31st December 2024, with a renewal of this agreement agreed and running from 1st January 2025 - 31st December 2026.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do
  • Eligible articles will be identified by the publisher by your institutional email and affiliation so please ensure that these are used.
  • Submit your article using Company of Biologists' Bench>Press submission system. Follow the link to the submission system for your chosen journal.
  • If you already have a Bench>Press account, log on using your existing username and password. If you are a first-time user, you will need to create an account.
  • Enter the “Author Area” and select “Submit a new manuscript”.
  • The affiliation of the corresponding author is used to determine eligibility for discounted or waived article processing charges so please ensure that the corresponding author is agreed before submission.
  • When providing your contact details, please include your institutional email address, as well as the full name and address of your institution, including country.
  • If you are submitting an article to Development, Journal of Cell Science or Journal of Experimental Biology, please follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select “Gold Open Access” and “Read & Publish fee waiver”. (Please note: This step is not required for Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open.)

Further information is available for accepted publications from the publisher here. Please get in touch with the Open Access Team if you have any questions. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


Durham University has signed up to De Gruyter's Read and Publish deal to 31 December 2025 which offers open access for articles by Durham corresponding authors in De Gruyter's hybrid journals (fully open access titles are not included). 

Eligible article types

  • Original Paper – Standard article, usually presenting new results; articles published under this article type may also be referred to as Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper or Research Paper
  • Review Paper – Standard article, interpreting previously published results
  • Brief Communication – Short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a standard article
  • Continuing Education – Article forming integral part of further education (usually medical)
  • Case Reports – Articles in medical journals

Additional information is available from the publisher's website. De Gruyter also confirms that 21 journals are publishing this 2024 volumes in open access via Subscribe to Open. A list of these journals is available at the bottom of this guide. 

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

How to use
  • Submit your article. Instructions on how to submit are specified on each journal webpage under the Submission of Manuscripts tab.
  • Please submit your article using your affiliated institutional e-mail address.
  • If your article is accepted, the publisher automatically checks if an open access agreement applies.
  • If an article is eligible, your article will be published gold open access at no cost to you.


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The transitional offer provides unlimited open access publishing to current Durham University-affiliated corresponding authors in Elsevier's hybrid journals including the Cell Press and Lancet titles.

Deal duration

1st January 2022 to 31st December 2025.

Eligible article types for Elsevier's Core hybrid journals

Research and Review articles are covered. Case Reports / Data in Brief / Microarticle / Original Software Publication / Protocol / Replication Study / Short Communication / Short Survey / Video Article / Practice Guideline

Eligible article types for Cell Press and Lancet titles

These vary and may not include Review articles. Please contact us to check before requesting open access through the agreement. 

Licence choice

Immediate open access under CC BY and CC BY-NC-ND terms in the Eligible Journals (ensure that you select the CC BY licence if your funder requires this e.g. UK Research Councils and Wellcome Trust). The implications of selecting a CC BY-NC-ND license with Elsevier are further explored in this article: Exclusive Right to Publish? (European Science Foundation, 2022).

The agreement does not cover any submission fee, page charges or colour charges.  These also cannot be covered by either the UKRI Open Access Block Grant or the Wellcome Block Grant and must be met by the author directly.

You can find more about this agreement on Elsevier's webpages, including their journal checking tool

If you are publishing in a fully open access journal you may be able to benefit from a 15% reduction on the APC - please contact the Open Access Team for more information. 

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered 

How to use

Please see the PDF below which shows the workflow for Durham corresponding authors who wish to request open access in a hybrid journal.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


If you have any questions, contact 


We currently have an agreement with Frontiers which gives a 10% discount on the cost of the Article Processing Charge (APC) for Durham corresponding authors.

To benefit from this discount, the payment of the whole APC needs to be paid centrally by the Open Access Team.  This can only be done for eligible papers acknowledging UK Research Council or Wellcome funding, or, where applicable, a successful application to the Institutional Open Access Fund has been made. 

  • 10% - for UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust funded papers, or, where a successful application to the Institutional Open Access Fund has already been made.
What to do:
  • At the point of submission, your paper will appear in our Frontiers dashboard for the Open Access team to confirm whether they will fund the APC if the paper is accepted - please ensure that you get in touch with the Open Access team at this point ( to request that funds are committed from either of the block grants, or enquire on progress of your application to the Institutional Open Access Fund. 

  • At the point of submission, use your Durham University email address, select Durham University as your affiliation (and also add your funder information for UKRI and Wellcome Trust funded authors). 

  • Additional details on the Frontiers blog

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


Green Open Access Only

IEEE’s green open access policy supports authors to self-archive accepted manuscripts (original research and review articles only) submitted to any subscription-based IEEE journals, magazines, or conference proceedings. This is applicable to all Durham affiliated corresponding or contributing authors, regardless of the acknowledgement of any external funding. Therefore: 

  • All Durham-affiliated authors may deposit the Author’s Accepted Manuscript in the institutional repository at the point of acceptance, to be opened on the date of publication. 
  • The deposited version should be assigned a self-attributed CC BY licence. (Note that under the University’s Research Publication Policy, this will happen automatically for all outputs submitted to IEEE hybrid journals after 31st March 2023.) 
  • No embargo period is applicable.  

**Other Charges**

Some IEEE journals mandate payment of page charges for overlength articles, and/or require that authors (or their institution) pay a voluntary fee per page to offset the cost of publication regardless of route to publication (e.g. via subscription route). In some instances these voluntary fees are mandated where outputs exceed standard length. These charges cannot be paid from any Library funds for open access.  About Potential Article Processing Charges - IEEE Author Center Journals

Deal type:

Rights Retention for open access compliance 

What to do:

All authors: Ensure to deposit your Accepted Manuscript in DRO within three months of acceptance.  

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust and are publishing an in-scope output, the below are also required, prior to submission: 

If you are acknowledging UKRI funding: Ensure compliancy via Route 2 in accordance with the UKRI Open Access Policy, by including the following text in the funding acknowledgement section of the manuscript: ‘For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising’. A Data Access Statement should also be included in your manuscript.  

If you are acknowledging Wellcome Trust funding their Rights Retention Statement should be included instead: ‘This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Wellcome Trust [Grant number xxxxx]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.’ A Data Availability Statement should also be included.  

For outputs acknowledging either funder, you will need to include a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and ensure a CC BY licence is selected upon publication. More details on these requirements are available here:


If you have any questions, please email




We are part of the IOP and Jisc Collections agreement which enables Durham corresponding authors to publish their work Open Access in selected hybrid and fully open access IOP journals at no cost to themselves. A list of eligible journal titles is here (titles in lists A, B, C and D are relevant to Durham authors.) Note that the following titles are included in our agreement and IOP will shortly be updating their webpages to reflect the additions:

  • Laser Physics
  • ECS Advances
  • ECS Sensors Plus
  • Environmental Research: Climate
  • Environmental Research: Ecology
  • Environmental Research: Health
  • Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability​
  • Materials for Quantum Technology
  • Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering​

Term of agreement:  - 

Eligible article types: Research papers, special issue papers, review articles and letters. (*Reports on Progress in Physics, will only include primary research articles as eligible).

Further details can be found on the publisher's website and in the document below.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do:
  • IOP will identify qualifying articles for free APCs and inform authors of their inclusion.
  • When you submit your article, please supply your affiliation clearly in the article submission form and in the article itself.
  • You will be asked to agree to the CC BY open access license.
  • IOP's Guide to Submitting Under a Transformative Agreement is linked for authors here

Please note that the agreement relates to the Article Processing Charge only and any additional publication charges will not be paid for or discounted.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email



The Lyell Collection Read & Publish Deal is available for Durham University corresponding authors to 

Articles published in the following Geological Society of London journals by eligible authors will be published gold open access with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence

And book series:

Additional information is available from the publisher's website.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

How to use

The following details are from the publisher:

  • An eligible author is the “corresponding author” of the article and their eligibility is confirmed when they use their institutional email address and select the institution name on their user profile in Editorial Manager. If the institutional email address is not used, then the article will not be eligible to be published open access under this agreement. 
  • Author profiles can be updated by clicking on ‘Update My Information’ when logged in to Editorial Manager. Authors should also use the qualifying institution name when providing their details during submission.

If you have any questions or think that your paper should have been published gold open access under the terms of this agreement but has not, please also get in touch

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email

  • Available to all Durham University-affiliated corresponding authors until 31st December 2025.
  • UKRI and Wellcome Trust-funded authors who wish the APC payment to be made via the University's block grants, please apply for funds via Eligible authors not in receipt of external funding may apply to the Institutional Open Access Fund for support with Article Processing Charges. The outcome of all applications for funding should be known before submitting to the journal. 
  • 20%
What to do
  • Authors are prompted in the last step of submission to determine if they are eligible for discounts under the open access program
  • The program is pre-selected if authors use their institutional email address
  • Further information can be found at under the heading 'APC Discounts


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email




Deal duration

The current agreement runs from 1st January 2023 - 31st December 2024. A renewal will run from 1st January 2025 - 31st December 2026.

The Microbiology Society's Publish and Read Transitional Agreement gives Durham University corresponding authors open access publishing for their research articles under a CC BY licence in the following journals:

  • International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
  • Journal of General Virology
  • Journal of Medical Microbiology
  • Microbiology (fully OA journal)
  • Microbial Genomics (fully OA journal)
  • Access Microbiology (fully OA journal)
Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do
  • Eligible articles will be identified by the publisher by your institutional email and affiliation so please ensure that these are used.
  • You should receive notification from the publisher of the scheme through the peer review process. 
  • Follow the steps outlined in the Short Author Guide.
  • Get in touch with the Open Access Team if you have any questions. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication. More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email

  • We financially support the Open Library of Humanities (OLH) and this ensures that the journals published by them are fully open access with no Article Processing Charges to be paid by authors
  • The current list of OLH journals can be found here
Deal type
  • Fully open access - no author fees
What to do
  • Follow the directions for submission on the OLH website


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email



The transitional agreement provides open access publishing to corresponding authors publishing in 11 Optica hybrid and fully open access journals. Further information about the agreement is available on the publisher's website.  

Eligible journals are as follows:

  • Advances in Optics and Photonics
  • Applied Optics
  • Biomedical Optics Express
  • Journal of the Optical Society of America A
  • Journal of the Optical Society of America B
  • Optica
  • Optical Materials Express
  • Optica Quantum
  • Optics Express
  • Optics Letters
  • Optics Continuum 

Authors affiliated with UK institutions participating in this agreement may publish open access in one of the above journals with no Article Processing Charge due by the author/s, provided that: 

  • The named corresponding author is a current Durham University member. The corresponding author is defined by Optica as: "the person who submits the manuscript and will handle correspondence throughout the peer review and publication process. They will have the authority to act on behalf of all authors and the responsibility for keeping all co-authors informed as to the status of the submission, as well as being noted on the article as the primary contact for any inquiries after the paper is published".
  • They are submitting original, peer-reviewed research article or review article (book reviews are not eligible). 

The agreement does not cover any additional publication charges (e.g. extra page charges or colour charges).  These also cannot be covered by either the UKRI Open Access Block Grant or the Wellcome Block Grant and must be met by authors directly. 

Deal type:

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered  

Licence choice: All articles under this agreement will be published under the CC BY copyright license. Upon publication, articles will be made immediately open access. 

Rights Retention Statement position:  
"Optica Publishing Group will work with authors who are not covered by the transitional agreement on a case-by-case basis to ensure their papers are published according to their funder requirements". 


For authors not currently covered by the terms of above deal seeking a compliant route to publish, we recommend authors to get in touch via We can liaise directly with Optica to support you in finding a compliant route to publication.

How to use:

The following information has been provided to us directly from the publisher: 

The publisher is responsible for the identification of Eligible Authors.  If authors have not provided data to identify their eligibility at submission, identification of eligibility to publish open access under this Agreement is not guaranteed by Optica. To access this deal: 

  1. Double-check that you are listed as the corresponding author, both in the online submission system and in your manuscript 
  2. Use your official institutional email address to submit your manuscript  
  3. Select your institutional affiliation from the drop-down menu in the submission portal. 

The publisher advises that authors' accurate use of their institutional email address AND selection of their affiliation will be used to determine author eligibility under the terms of the agreement. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions, please email


OUP and a number of UK institutions have agreed a Read and Publish deal for 2024-25.

Eligible authors from participating institutions in the UK can request use of this account to pay the Open Access charge when arranging payment in OUP’s online licensing and payment system for OUP's hybrid and fully OA titles.

  • This deal is applicable to article types: original research articles, review articles, brief reports and case reports. Article-commentary types are not considered eligible (please note that book reviews are also not covered by the deal)
  • The article must have been received by their production department during the period of the deal - this happens after acceptance 
  • To make use of this agreement, the corresponding author must be a current Durham University member, using their Durham University affiliation as their primary affiliation (or one of the other participating organisations'). 
  • This agreement covers a number of OUP journals (both hybrid and fully OA) but not all - check the list here (see 'UK institutions, Jisc affiliated', section 'How do I know if I am eligible?')
NB: If you are in any doubt as to whether your "article type" is covered by this deal please contact the Open Access Team or OUP directly for guidance prior to requesting open access. 
Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do

*Ensure that you have checked the list of eligible journals and confirmed that your paper is either "research" or "review" before proceeding.* A step by step guide is also available here.

I'm an eligible author, what do I need to do?

To request use of Open Access funds from one of the UK institutions follow the steps below:

Step 1

  • Once your paper has been accepted for publication, as the corresponding author you will receive an email with a link to the Online Licensing and Payments System, SciPris. SciPris will check your institutional affiliation and article type to determine if you are eligible..

Step 2

  • Proceed to 'Select a licence'.
  • Request use of the Read and Publish Agreement funds and click 'Continue with open access agreement' (You may need to sign in and create an account if you don’t have one. This is not the same system you used to submit your article to the journal)
  • Licence options are displayed. You should not see any costs on this page. If you do, do not proceed and contact
  • Select a license and click ‘I accept'.

Step 3

  • Send the request for review by clicking 'Send Request'


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication. If you have any questions on how to comply, please email

More details on these requirements are available here:


Any questions

Please get in touch with us at or OUP directly at



We have signed up to the "Flat Fee" model to 31 December 2025 which means that Durham-affiliated corresponding authors will not have APCs to pay in the following journals. 

  • PLOS Genetics,
  • PLOS Pathogens,
  • PLOS Computational Biology,
  • PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • PLOS Digital Health
  • PLOS Complex Systems (NEW 2024)

Licence Options

Accepted articles will be published with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. 

Deal type

Fully Open Access – Flat Fee

What to do

PLOS advises: Upon submitting your manuscript to any of the eligible PLOS journals, be sure to list your institutional affiliation in our submission system, Editorial Manager (selection dropdown can be found in the 'Additional information' section of the submission form in Editorial Manager). If your work is accepted for publication, we’ll check this field and ensure that your benefits are applied to waive or reduce any publication fees. A useful 'Quick Submissions Tutorial' guiding authors through the submissions process is available here. Additional detailed instructions have been provided by the publisher at Flat Fee Author Guide - Google Slides

Please note that PLOS advise:

"Editorial Manager now includes a new screen prior to submission that shows expected fees related to the submission. For now, this shows the standard APC for the journal and article type, but soon this will show the correct amount payable by the author under their institutional agreement (note: even in the case this is $0). The author needs to click a button on this screen to move through to submission."

If you have any questions, please contact the Open Access Team at 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


Portland Press have a deal with JISC which Durham corresponding authors are eligible to use to 31st December 2025. The deal covers both hybrid and fully gold titles.

APC-free OA publication can take place in all seven Portland Press journals:

Eligible Research journals

  • Biochemical Journal
  • Clinical Science
  • Neuronal Signaling*
  • Bioscience Reports*
  • Biochemical Society Transactions
  • Essays in Biochemistry
  • Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 

*These are fully OA journals where every paper is published via the Gold OA route. There is, therefore, no option for authors to opt out of OA publishing; however, the papers will be published OA without requirement for payment of any APCs if the article is eligible for OA under a Read & Publish deal.

Licence options

A CC BY licence will apply.

More information, including FAQs, can be found here

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do
  • During the submission process you will be asked to validate your institution. Full details (including screenshots) of the process can be found in the PDF below. 
  • If you have any questions, please get in touch at

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The Rockefeller University Press' "Read and Publish" Agreement gives Durham University corresponding authors open access publishing for their research articles under a CC BY licence in the following hybrid/subscription journals:

  • Journal of Cell Biology
  • Journal of Experimental Medicine
  • Journal of General Physiology

The current agreement runs until 31st December 2025.

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do
  • Eligible articles will be identified by the publisher by your institutional email and affiliation so please ensure that these are used.
  • Additional information is available on the publisher's website and in the document about their Read & Publish workflow and Author Guide below (PDF).  
  • Please get in touch with the Open Access Team if you have any questions. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


We are signed up to the Jisc-negotiated "Royal Society Read & Publish Transitional Agreement" until 31st December 2025.

Through this deal, Durham University corresponding authors can publish gold open access with a CC BY licence in any of Royal Society's eight hybrid (subscription) journals or the two fully open access journals and the Article Processing Charge (APC) will be covered by this deal:

  • Philosophical Transactions A (hybrid)
  • Philosophical Transactions B (hybrid)
  • Proceedings A (hybrid)
  • Proceedings B (hybrid)
  • Biology Letters (hybrid)
  • Interface (hybrid)
  • Interface Focus (hybrid)
  • Notes & Records (hybrid)
  • Open Biology (fully open access)
  • Open Science (fully open access)
Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do
  • Ensure that you correspond with Royal Society using your Durham University email address
  • Ensure that you state your Durham University affiliation on submission

Please get in touch with the Open Access team if you have any questions or you can direct these to

Additional information about this deal is on the publisher's website: Royal Society Read and Publish | Royal Society

Full author journeys can be found in the documents below.


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The Royal Society of Chemistry Read & Publish agreement is unlimited and allows Durham University corresponding authors to publish open access in RSC's hybrid journals until 31st December 2024. A one-year extension of this agreement has been agreed for the period covering 1st January 2025 - 31st December 2025. 

Eligible articles 

All peer reviewed article types are eligible for publication in this agreement and these fall into three main categories: full papers, communications, and reviews. Editorials and Corrections are not covered. Further information on article types is available via the publisher’s website.

Licence options

 The publisher offers authors a CC BY licence.

  • IMPORTANT (UKRI and Wellcome funded authors): You must use the CC BY licence to meet the terms of your funding contract.
  • IMPORTANT (Other funders): Please check the terms of your funding contract to confirm if a specific open licence is required for your article.
  • Durham corresponding authors publishing an article in RSC's open access journals are also entitled to a 15% discount on the prevailing article processing charge (APC).

Please note that the agreement does not cover any submission fee, page charges or colour charges. These also cannot be covered by either the UKRI Open Access Block Grant or the Wellcome Block Grant and must be met by the author directly.

Rights Retention Statement position: 
The RSC will not reject submitted manuscripts or divert manuscripts to alternative journals because they include a Rights Retention statement. Although the RSC strongly encourage eligible authors to follow the gold OA route, where this is not possible, RSC have confirmed that they do not reject or re-route on the basis of an author employing RRS statements.
Deal type

Transitional agreement (for hybrid/subscription journals - 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered)

Plus 15% discount for open access journals.

How to use

What to do (from RSC)
The publisher is responsible for the identification of Eligible Authors.  If authors have not provided data to identify their eligibility at submission, they are not guaranteed to be identified as eligible to publish open access under this Agreement.

  • Double-check that you are listed as the corresponding author, both in our online submission system and in your manuscript
  • Use your official institutional email address to submit your manuscript (this helps RSC to identify you). If you do not use your institutional email address, RSC may not be able to route your paper through the agreement and you may be offered an incompatable licence with any external funder conditions..
  • State your institute affiliation and email address in your manuscript and make sure this remains the same, even after submission
  • Do not sign the standard licence to publish; upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be offered a CC BY licence.

Please contact with any questions. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:


Start and end date: 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2025. 

Durham corresponding authors publishing an article in 1000+ subscription journals in the current SAGE Premier package, as well as in the IMechE Journal Collection (18 titles) and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection (28 titles), which offer hybrid open access publishing (SAGE Choice) can be published open access, at no cost to them. You will find a spreadsheet of participating journals via the publisher's website. For articles accepted in 2025, Sage 2025 Collection is included. 

Corresponding authors publishing an article in a fully gold open access journal may be entitled to a 20% discount on the prevailing article processing charge (APC). A list of participating journals is available here.

Eligible article types 

Research articles, review articles, case reports.

Book reviews and invited articles are not covered by the deal. 

Licence option

CC BY and CC BY NC offered by default. Please note that CC BY NC does not meet many funder requirements for open access. 

More information can be found on the Sage website.

Deal type

Transitional agreement (for hybrid/subscription journals - 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered)

Plus 20% discount for pure Gold open access journals

What to do
  • Ensure that you select Durham University as your institution on submission and use your Durham University email address.
  • On acceptance, the Open Access team will be asked to approve your eligibility to publish open access under the terms of the agreement.
  • Once approved, Sage will contact you to ask you to accept the offer of open access, to select your licence, and to sign your agreement.  Acceptance of the offer should be done within two weeks of being contacted.
  • If you choose to reject the offer you will be asked to provide a reason for doing so.

If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The Society for Neuroscience Transitional Agreement offers unlimited open access publishing for Durham affiliated corresponding authors for all research and review article types published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Deal duration

1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.

Eligible article types

Original, peer-reviewed research articles or review articles.

Corresponding authors affiliated with Durham University may publish open access in the Journal of Neuroscience with no Article Processing Charge due by the author/s, provided that:  

  • The named corresponding author is a current Durham University member.  
  • The article is accepted between 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024
  • The article is an original peer-reviewed research article or review article.  

The agreement does not cover any additional publication charges (e.g. extra page charges or colour charges).  These also cannot be covered by either the UKRI Open Access Block Grant or the Wellcome Block Grant and must be met by authors directly.  

Society for Neuroscience commit to the immediate deposit of the Version of Record in PMC and Europe PMC following issue publication. 

Licence choice

CC BY is offered as default. Upon publication, articles will be made immediately open access. All authors retain the right to deposit their author accepted manuscripts in open access or other repositories, under any license. 

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered  

How to use: 

The publisher is responsible for the identification of Eligible Authors.  If authors have not provided data to identify their eligibility at submission, they are not guaranteed to be identified as eligible to publish open access under this Agreement.

  • Double-check that you are listed as the corresponding author, both in the publisher's online submission system and in your manuscript
  • Ensure that your primary affiliation is listed as Durham, in both in the publisher's online submission system and in your manuscript.

Please get in touch with the Open Access Team if you have any questions.  


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The Springer Compact Read and Publish Agreement 2023-25 for UK institutions enables eligible articles accepted for publication in Springer Open Choice (hybrid) journals between 01 January 2023 and 31 December 2025 to be open access and automatically compliant with funder requirements.  

This agreement provides unlimited open access publishing for eligible authors of member institutions and applies a CC BY licence by default to all published articles.  

For information on Springer Nature Research (hybrid) titles see our Springer - Nature Research Guide. 

For information on 15% discount available for Durham-affiliated corresponding authors on APCs charged by Springer Nature Fully Open Access titles see our Springer - Nature Research Guide

Eligible authors   

The primary corresponding author of participating institution, identified through use of their Durham affiliation and institutional email address in submission process. Where there are more than one corresponding author, only the primary corresponding author will have their eligibility assessed by the publisher. 

Eligible Article Types 

Original research and review articles, brief communications and continuing education articles, defined as: 

  • Original Paper – Standard article, usually presenting new results; articles published under this article type may also be referred to as Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper or Research Paper.  
  • Review Paper – Standard article, interpreting previously published results.  
  • Brief Communication – Short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a standard article.  
  • Continuing Education – Article forming integral part of further education (usually medical). 
Eligible journals 

2000+ Springer ‘Open Choice’ journals (note that this does not include Springer Nature Research titles – please see Springer Nature Research agreement information for information of Nature Research titles).  

The Springer Compact agreement also includes a limited number of journals from Academic Journals on, as well as 40 Palgrave Macmillan titles. 

See Excel document: Springer, Palgrave MacMillan and - included titles for full list,

Deal type 

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered 

What to do 

When completing the online form at acceptance, under Your University / Institution select "University of Durham (Durham | United Kingdom)" from the drop-down list. 

The Your open access option' dialogue box will then appear. Select "Yes, I want to publish my article with open access and my institution covers the charge". Please be assured that if you see this message that neither you nor your department will be charged for the APC. Springer will then notify the Library's Open Access Team for verification that the author is affiliated with Durham. 

Once verified, the publisher will proceed with publishing your paper gold open access. 

Further details of the Author Workflow journey are available in the PDF linked at the bottom of the page. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email


The Springer Nature Research Read and Publish Agreement 2023-25 for UK institutions enables eligible articles accepted for publication in Springer Nature Research (hybrid) journals between 01 January 2023 and 31 December 2025 to be open access and automatically compliant with funder requirements. 

This agreement provides capped open access publishing for eligible authors of member institutions and applies a CC BY licence by default to all published articles.  There are a finite number of APCs available to all HEIs that are signed up to the agreement. We are unable to guarantee, therefore, that there will be availability at the point a paper is accepted. More information on the University's stance on publishing in Springer Nature Journals can be found here.

*Please note this agreement does not include APC coverage of Springer Nature fully open access journals, although APCs charged by these journals are subject to a 15% discount for Durham-affiliated corresponding authors. For details of how to access this discount see section 'What to do'.

For information on Springer Open Choice (hybrid) titles see our Springer Compact Guide. 

Eligible authors   

The primary corresponding author of participating institution, identified through use of their Durham affiliation and institutional email address in submission process. Where there are more than one corresponding author, only the primary corresponding author will have their eligibility assessed by the publisher. 

Eligible Article Types

Research articles which are ‘Original Papers’ (which may also be referred to as analysis, brief communications, registered reports and technical reports) 

Eligible journals 

37 Nature Research Hybrid journals. See Excel document Nature Research - included titles for full list. 

Deal type 

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered 

What to do 

For Springer Nature Research (hybrid) titles:

  • When completing the online form at acceptance, under Your University / Institution select "University of Durham (Durham | United Kingdom)" from the drop-down list. 
  • The Your open access option dialogue box will then appear. Select "Yes, I want to publish my article with open access and my institution covers the charge". Please be assured that if you see this message that neither you nor your department will be charged for the APC. 
  • Springer will then notify the Library's Open Access Team for verification that the author is affiliated with Durham. 
  • Once verified, the publisher will proceed with publishing your paper gold open access. 
  • Further details of the Author Workflow journey are available in the PDF linked below. 
  • If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, we also advise authors to include a Rights Retention statement in their manuscript at the point of submission (this is a requirement for both funders) and in any correspondence with Springer. 

For Springer Nature Fully Open Access titles (15% discount applied to APC list price only):

  • Use your institutional email address at submission, and throughout the submission process
  • When completing the online form at acceptance, under Your University / Institution select "University of Durham (Durham | United Kingdom)" from the drop-down list. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions, please email


We have signed up to the Taylor & Francis Read & Publish 2024-25 agreement to 31st December 2025.

Through this deal, current Durham-affiliated corresponding authors can publish gold open access in Hybrid (defined as 'Open Select'), Fully OA,  F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research titles* when meeting the following criteria:

  • The corresponding author is a current Durham-affiliated member
  • Article type is original research article (For F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research the following are covered: Research Articles, Method Articles Systematic Reviews, Clinical Practice Articles, Case Reports). For other article types enquire with
  • The journal is included – you can use the tool on the Taylor & Francis website to find out whether the journal you are publishing in is “Open Select” (hybrid). Please note Dove Press titles are not included in the agreement.

There are a finite number of APCs available to all of the HEIs that are signed up to the agreement. We are unable to guarantee, therefore, that there will be availability at the point a paper is accepted to a hybrid title. APC availability for fully OA titles will be known at the point of submission. The default licence for this agreement is CC BY.

If you are acknowledging funding from one of the UK Research Councils please inform us that your paper has been accepted even if you do not have any questions about this agreement or the process.  This will help to ensure that we accurately report your compliance with the UKRI Open Access Policy. 

Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered

What to do
  • To avoid delays in the publication process, corresponding authors should submit manuscripts using their Durham University email address and Durham affiliation.
  • At the point of submission (for fully OA titles) and acceptance for hybrid titles, Taylor and Francis will send you an email with a link to the Author Publishing Agreement (APA) and will alert you if your article is potentially eligible to be published gold open access under this deal.
  • When you receive this email, please follow the steps to request open access publication. 
  • We (the Library Open Research team) will be notified about your request and, once approved by us, you will get a further notification from Taylor & Francis to let you know that this has happened.
  • A full author workflow can be found in the PDF below. 


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement in your manuscript (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication.

More details on these requirements are available here:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email

  • End date of current agreement: 31st December 2025.
  • The agreement offers Durham affiliated corresponding authors unlimited open access publishing in Wiley's hybrid journals, and capped open access publishing in their fully open access titles. In the latter instance, this means there are a finite number of APCs available to all HEIs that are signed up to the agreement for articles accepted to fully open access titles. 
  • It is important to note the following (from Wiley):
    • To publish without having to pay additional Article Publication Charges (APCs), the article's responsible corresponding author must be from an eligible institution and the article must have been accepted on or after 1 January 2024 if submitted to a Wiley hybrid journal, and on submission from 1 January 2024 if submitting to a fully gold open access journal. When selecting open access, Jisc institutional members have expressed that eligible authors should choose the CC BY licence where available to meet the requirements of the Jisc agreement.
  • The deal is available for Durham corresponding authors - please note that where there are multiple corresponding authors on a paper, Wiley has introduced a Responsible Corresponding Author (RCA) and it is only this author that is eligible to be covered by the deal. 
  • Article types covered by the agreement: primary research or review articles
  • More information available here.
Deal type

Transitional agreement: 100% of the cost of eligible APCs covered.

Please note that a small number of Wiley journals still carry submission, page and colour charges for publishing - these additional costs are not covered by this agreement. More details of these charges are available in the attached file 'Other Article Charges' (see below).

What to do: 

For hybrid/subscription journals:

  • After acceptance, log in to Wiley Author Services
  • Click 'Select Online Open'
  • Choose Durham University as your affiliation
  • If funded from one of the UK Research Councils or Wellcome, ensure that this information is added
  • Confirm that you would like to make your article Online Open
  • The Library will be notified of the request and will approve.

For fully open access journals:

  • Select "Durham University" on submission.

You will also find guidance on how to request open access on Wiley's webpages (including screenshots for submitting to both a fully open access journal and a hybrid journal).


If you are acknowledging external funding from a UK Research Council or Wellcome Trust, ensure you have included Funder Acknowledgements (with grant code), a Data Access/Availability Statement (sentiments of 'data available upon request' are insufficient for funder requirements) and a CC BY licence is selected upon publication:

If you have any questions on how to comply, please email