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Library Research Support: Open Research: REF OA

This guide is intended to provide advice and support on open access research, including guidance around Durham Research Online (DRO), open access publishing, research data management and related topics.

REF Open Access 2029

REF Open Access Policy

REF 2029 Open Access Policy: Consultation (March - June 2024)

The University submitted its response to the consultation on proposed changes to the REF Open Access Policy. The full text of our response can be found here.

This response was submitted following a University wide invitation to provide feedback both online and at events run in person. An initial draft response was then reviewed by the University's REF Advisory Committee and the University's Research Committee (both chaired by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Colin Bain), and the University's Open Scholarship Group (chaired by Professor Fuschia Sirois) as well as being circulated for comment to all department Directors of Research.

  • 18 March 2024: Consultation Published
  • 22 March 2024 - 29 April 2024: University Wide Consultation inviting feedback on proposed changes and the questions covered by the consultation
    • 21 March 2024: Summary of key changes and questions circulated to Faculty Deputy Executive Deans for Research
    • 22 March 2024: Summary of key changes and questions circulated to all Academic Departments via Director of Research and Senior Research Administrator, and to leads for ECRs and PDRAs.
    • 22 March 2024 - 29 April 2024: Online form opened for all staff and students to provide comments and questions on the proposed changes.
    • 28 Mar 2024: Message highlighting consultation and linking to information on how to contribute to an institutional response published in Dialog.
    • 3 April 2024 - 18 April 2024: Drop-in sessions organised for all staff and students to meet with a member of the Open Research team in person to discuss concerns.
  • 18 Apr 2024: Consultation response discussed at University Research Culture Committee.
  • 1 May 2024: Consultation response discussed in detail at Faculty of Arts & Humanities Research Board.
  • 3 May 2024 - 31 May 2024: First draft response circulated to the University's REF Advisory Committee and the University's Research Committee (both chaired by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Colin Bain), and the University's Open Scholarship Group (chaired by Professor Fuschia Sirois) as well as being circulated for comment to all department Directors of Research for further comment.
  • 1 Jun 2024 - 10 Jun 2024: Submitted comments and revised responses reviewed with individual contributors.
  • 11 Jun 2024 - 14 Jun 2024: Final draft shared with Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Colin Bain and Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Jane Macnaughton.
  • 16 Jun 2024: Final response submitted online.

REF Open Access Policy 

We have set out below a summary of the requirements that were in place for REF 2021. These requirements remain in force for REF 2029 until the implementation of new open access requirements (currently proposed to start in January 2025).


The open access requirements for REF2021 only apply to:

  • Scholarly journal articles and conference papers published in a proceedings with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and only if
  • Accepted for publication from 1 April 2016 onwards

  1. DEPOSIT: accepted peer-reviewed manuscript in either an institutional or subject repository within 3 months of its acceptance for publication
  2. OPEN ACCESS: make deposited manuscript open access
  • within 1 month of deposit if there is no publisher-imposed embargo or
  • no later than 1 month after the publisher-imposed embargo has expired


  • 12 months for papers submitted to Panels A and B
  • 24 months for papers submitted to Panels C and D

Note that manuscripts deposited in DRO will only be made open access once the particular publisher's embargo has expired

REF requires a manuscript is accessible no later than 1 month form the end of any embargo, or no later than 1 month after the date of deposit if the journal requires no embargo.

What do I need to do?

Email your final accepted peer-reviewed manuscript to The DRO Team will create a Staff Profile record, transfer a copy record to DRO, check the publisher's repository policy and deposit your file.


  • Create your own output record in Worktribe
  • Upload and attach your final accepted peer-reviewed manuscript
  • Ensure that any Durham co-authors are linked to the record in Worktribe, which enables its display on their Durham University staff profile as well as yours


Outputs which fail to meet the Open Access Requirements for REF

Please see our REF Open Access Exceptions Guide for further information.


Please see our REF Open Access FAQs Guide for further information.

REF 2029 Quick Links

REF 2021 Quick Links

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