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Our services: Inter-Library Loans: What do I need to know about Electronic Delivery?

British Library service problems - Update 20th December 2024.

British Library continues to rebuild its services following October 2023's cyber-attack. Current services include: a temporary catalogue, and loans from open stacks and storage areas in the Lending Division (in Boston Spa, Yorkshire). They are working to restore access to the EThOS (thesis) service in their next phase of restoration work.  We continue to experience problems obtaining international material which is normally supplied via British Library.  The ILL team will be happy to answer any queries regarding individual requests. Contact us at .

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What do I need to know about Electronic Delivery?

When you request a copy of an article or chapter through Inter-Library Loans, it will be sent to you via email using one of the following methods:

  • As an email from RapidILL ( Click on the link in the email to download your article.
  • As an email from Inter-Library Loans ( with a link to the article. Click on the link in the email to download your article. You may be asked to login using your CIS username and password. If the article has been sent using this method, then a link to the pdf will also be available from the My Requests section of your online library record.
  • As an email from British Library ( Click on the link in the email to view the documents. British Library documents must be opened directly into Adobe Reader, otherwise they appear blank.

Points to note:

  • You have 30 days to download and save a copy of your article once you receive the email. If there is a limit to the number of downloads available, then it will be mentioned in the email. 
  • If you receive an incomplete or wrong item, please contact the Inter-Library Loans team within 30 days of receiving the email.
  • Paper copies. If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of an article, then please contact us to let us know.

If you have any queries about electronic delivery, please contact the Inter-Library Loans team.