This guide provides guidance for students and staff on the use of Reference Management Software such as Endnote. These tools can help you to:
The University provides access to a desktop version of Endnote through both the managed desktop service (on campus) or through a licence to install Endnote on your own personal device.
Instructions on how to obtain a free copy of the licence for use on personal devices at home are as follows:
The Service Desk will then send you an email with a link to download the software using the licence key.
You can find support for Endnote as below:
The University also an Introductory workshop on using Endnote, as well as drop-in sessions to help with any problems you encounter and additional online guidance through the Durham Centre for Academic Development (DCAD).
For those using the OSCOLA referencing style, you may find the links below offer further guidance:
Durham students and staff have access to Endnote Online accessible via our Web of Science subscription.
Clarivate Analytics have provided a recording of a 1 hour workshop showing the main features of Endnote Online, and how to sync with a desktop version of Endnote, below:
Additional guidance for Endnote Online can be found at:
Mendeley is a free reference management software platform, and more, provided by academic publisher Elsevier.
You can download a desktop version of Mendeley for Windows, Mac or Linux, or download an app for iPhone or iPad from the iTunes App Store.
Zotero is freely available and user-friendly.
There are many other options available to you as a researcher to assist in managing your reference collection as it grows. Some options are free, and some will require a subscription or purchase of a licence.