eBooks offer some great advantages for our users. They can be accessed 24/7, from all over the world! They can't be lost or damaged. And, in many cases, multiple users can access the same eBook at the same time. This guide offers guidance on making the most of our eBook collections. Below you will find 5 short videos that cover:
Although we'd love to be able to have everything available digitally for those who want or need it, not every book is available as an eBook for institutional purchase. For those that we do have, a huge advantage of eBooks is that, in many cases, they can be viewed concurrently by multiple users. We always try - cost permitting - to buy the most liberal licenses that allow as many users as possible to view our eBooks at the same time. However, sometimes there may be constraints on access and use. These restrictions are imposed by the publisher. Typically one of the following licences apply:
Additionally there are usually two ways an eBook with such restrictions can be accessed:
The number of pages that can be saved/printed is set by the publisher and we cannot have those adjusted. There is, however, often flexibility on the number of students who can view the book concurrently. There is not always an unlimited option available but we can usually increase accessibility by purchasing multiple licences. Please alert library.resources@durham.ac.uk if any of your module’s key readings are contained in single-user ebooks and we will investigate options available for improving access.