This guide provides an overview of the training offered by the Library through the Research Development Programme and other training programs at Durham University. It provides:
The Library provides training throughout the academic year. Workshops are advertised through DCAD's Researcher Development Programme and are bookable through Inkpath. Individual workshops for the coming term can be found under the Workshops tab within this guide.
The Library also provides additional inductions, updates and training through academic departments, delivered by your Faculty Librarian or Research Support Librarian, and through the Academic Skills Programme.
The following sessions are being delivered through the Researcher Development Programme during Michaelmas term 2024-2025.
Strand |
Session title |
Time and date |
Location |
Open Research: Research Data |
Tuesday 22 October |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Open Research: Publishing OA |
Thursday 24 October |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Academic Skills: Literature Searching |
Tuesday 29 October |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Academic Skills: Literature Searching |
Literature Reviews: Introduction to Library Databases for PGRs |
Thursday 31 October |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Strand |
Session title |
Time and date |
Location |
Open Research: Publishing OA |
Open Access Publishing: the fundamentals and funding options (in-person) |
Tuesday 5 November |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Open Research: Research Data |
Thursday 7 November |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Open Research: Publishing OA | Open Access Publishing: the fundamentals and funding options (Online - condensed) | Tuesday 12 November 9.30am-10.30am |
Online |
Open Research: Publishing OA | Open Access Essentials: An Introduction for UKRI-funded PGRs | Thursday 14 November 9.30am-11am |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Publication Planning: Responsible Authorship & Assessment | Responsible Authorship: Which journal should I publish in? | Tuesday 19 November 9.30am-10.30am |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Open Research: Publishing OA | Open Access Publishing: UKRI and longform publications | Thursday 21 November 9.30am-10.30am |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Academic Skills: Literature Searching | Literature Reviews: Effective Search Strategies | Tuesday 26 November 12.30pm-2.30pm |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Publication Planning: Responsible Authorship & Assessment | Responsible Authorship: How to identify and avoid predatory journals and publishers | Thursday 28 November 9.30am-11am |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Strand |
Session title |
Time and date |
Location |
Your Thesis |
Doctoral Theses: Discovery, Access and Copyright for your thesis |
Tuesday 3 December |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 205) |
Open Research: Publishing OA |
Open Access Insights: Retaining your rights as a Durham author to provide immediate open access |
Tuesday 10 December |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 220) |
Publication Planning: Responsible Authorship & Assessment | Responsible Research Assessment: More than your H-index | Thursday 12 December 3.15pm-4.30pm |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 220) |
Publication Planning: Responsible Authorship & Assessment | Responsible Research Assessment: DORA and Journal Metrics | Thursday 12 December 2.00pm-3.00pm |
Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC 220) |
Here we will provide links to additional resources from workshops we run (or usually run).