A digitized version of the Early English Books microfilm collection, this database contains full-text page images of of about 100,000 of the 1250,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection. Also includes a growing collection of searchable full text provided by the EEBO Text Creation Partnership. Illustrations in the books may be searched and viewed separately as well as in conjunction with the text.
Diverse array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Opens the door to some of the world's most significant collections of early printed books. All works printed in Europe before 1701, regardless of language, fall within the scope of the project, together with all pre-1701 works in European languages printed further afield. Builds upon and complements Early English Books Online (EEBO) and is largely concerned with non-Anglophone materials; however, books in English or printed in the English-speaking world that are already represented in EEBO are not omitted from Early European Books where they form an integral element of the predominantly non-Anglophone collections that have been made available for digital capture. Full-colour, high-resolution (400 ppi) facsimile images scanned directly from the original printed sources. Each item in the collection is captured in its entirety, complete with its binding, edges, endpapers, blank pages, and any loose inserts.
Includes every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom, along with thousands of important works from the Americas, between 1701 and 1800. Consists of books, pamphlets, broadsides, ephemera. When completed, the full collection will include nearly 150,000 titles and more than 33,000,000 pages of searchable material.
A multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the nineteenth century; will be comprised of numerous collections to be released over many years, including a variety of material types--monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more--in one cross-searchable location.
The Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts is a collection of about 14,000 "classic" public domain documents from American and English literature as well as Western philosophy.
A reference tool for research and study developed by James Fieser (general editor). Articles include adaptations from public domain sources, adaptations of material written by the editor for classroom purposes, and original contributions by professional philosophers around the internet.
Includes editorial and copyrighted information, as well as a site search engine. Offers an alphabetical index to the philosophical entries and information on individual philosophers and their beliefs.
As a digital repository for the nation's great research libraries, HathiTrust brings together the immense collections of partner institutions. It was initially conceived as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California system, and the University of Virginia to establish a repository for those universities to archive and share their digitized collections, and quickly expanded to include additional partners with fast growing treasure of digitized collections.
"The Internet Archive "was founded [in 1996] to build an 'Internet library,' with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format," such as Internet sites and other cultural digital artifacts (i.e. movies, interviews, images, etc.). Using the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine," users can look at their own Web site and track how it has evolved. Plug-ins are made available as needed. "Special Wayback Collections" provide a sense of how events such as September 11, 2001, were recorded digitally. This site is appropriate for anyone doing research on the history of the Internet and for those who want to see how the Internet has changed over the years." "Best Free Reference Web Sites 2002." RUSA Quarterly, Fall 2002; reviewed Feb. 19, 2002.
L’Année philologique covers a wide array of subjects, including Greek and Latin literature and linguistics—which includes early Christian texts and patristics—Greek and Roman history, art, archaeology, philosophy, religion, mythology, music, science, and scholarly subspecialties such as numismatics, papyrology, and epigraphy, from 1928 to the present day.
Provides indexing and abstracts of journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews published worldwide since 1940. Topics covered include aesthetics, axiology, philosophy of education, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of history, philosophy of language, logic, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, metaphilosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science, social philosophy, and the philosophy of religion.
ISI Web of Science is an integrated platform designed to support research in academic, corporate, government, and not for profit organizations. ISI citation databases are multidisciplinary databases of bibliographic information indexed to be searched by subject, author, journal, and/or author address. They can also be searched for articles that cite a known author or work. Cited reference searching allows use of a given work as if it were a subject term, to identify more recent articles on the same topic.
Provides an interactive research environment that allows researchers to cross-search Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) and our newspaper archives also accessed via Gale Newsvault.
Searchable and browseable database offering extensive access to the web of correspondence between the greatest thinkers and writers of the long eighteenth century and their families and friends, bankers and booksellers, patrons and publishers. Coverage includes letters and documents, document sources such as manuscripts and early printed editions, scholarly annotations, and links to biographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, and other online resources.
The Past Masters British philosophy 1600-1900 database contains major works of Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume, Anne Conway, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, David Ricardo, The British Moralists and Adam Smith.
A fully digitized version of one of the most comprehensive literary archives of the nineteenth century, the Carlyle Letters Online features thousands of letters written by Scottish author and historian Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) and his wife, Jane Welsh Carlyle (18011866), to over six hundred recipients throughout the world.
African Diaspora, 1860-present; Black Drama Third Edition; Black Thought and Culture; ProQuest History Vault: Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century; Border and Migration Studies Online; Environmental Issues Online; LGBT Thought and Culture; LGBT Magazine Archive 1954-2015; Human Rights Studies Online; Anthropological Fieldwork Online; Social Work Online; British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries; North American Women's Letters and Diaries; Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820; Gerritsen Collection Women's History; Women's Magazine Archive 1846-2015; American Periodicals Series 1740-1940; British Periodicals Collection; C19: the 19th Century Index; Periodicals Archive Online Collections; Art & Architecture Archive 1895-2005; Country Life Archive 1897-2005; Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive; Early European Books Collections; Performance Design Archive Online; Music Online: Classical Scores Library; Music Online: Music Periodicals of the 19th Century; Royal Shakespeare Company Collection; Luther's Werke; Religious Magazine Archive 1845-2015; Twentieth Century Religious Thought; ProQuest Congressional Digital Collection 1789-2010; Colonial State Papers 1574-1757; Documents on British Policy Overseas 1898-1980; Trench Journals and Unit Magazines 1914-1919; Digital National Security Archive; Revolution and Protest Online; Security Issues Online; Jerusalem Post; Korea Times; Chinese Newspaper Collection 1832-1953; Leftist Newspapers 1845-2015; News Policy & Politics Magazine Archive; Selected US newspaper archives
This is a major collection of eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth century US sources covering African American newspapers, anti-slavery and women’s suffrage campaigns, documents on the American Civil War and Reconstruction, America in World War One, and American county histories.