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Ongoing support: Meet and Greet

Meet and Greet

Our Meet and Greet sessions provide you with an opportunity to meet up with some of our team in Bill Bryson Library and find out more about using the physical library space and our services. 

During the session, we’ll show you various areas in the building and how some of our services work, such as finding a book, using our borrowing machines and how to return a book. It’s also a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have. 

How to join a session 

Dates and times of the sessions are listed below - each session will last approximately 30 minutes. There’s no booking required - simply meet us opposite the Help and Information Desk on Level 2 five minutes before the session starts. (We’ll be running several sessions during each timeslot so depending on demand, we might ask you to wait to join a later session.) 

October sessions

October Meet and Greet sessions
Date Session start time
Thursday 17 October 12pm
Friday 18 October 5pm
Monday 21 October 12pm
Wednesday 23 October 5pm
Tuesday 29 October 5pm


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