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Ongoing support: Academic Skills Sessions

Academic Skills sessions

We offer various academic skills workshops that are available to all students. Sessions cover a wide range of topics, from finding and managing information to critical reading, referencing, and writing. Taught sessions are online and in-person at Bill Bryson Library and the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC). 

Some workshops may also be arranged through your academic department – contact your Faculty Librarian for more information.

How to join a session 

You need to book to attend any of our academic skills workshops - details of our sessions for the next four weeks and booking links are below. Future dates will be added as we move through the term - keep checking this page for details of additional sessions.

To explore the full range of sessions available, visit the Academic Skills Centre.

Academic Skills sessions for January 2025 will be announced shortly.

Two people sitting at a table speaking to each other.

Drop-in sessions

Drop-in sessions 

Every Wednesday during term time, from 12pm-3pm, you can drop into Bill Bryson Library for a one-to-one chat with a Tutor or Faculty Librarian about your work and get advice on developing your skills.

Academic Skills drop-ins are also available at the Teaching and Learning Centre and online. For more information, see ASC Drop-ins