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Library Research Support: Open Research: Choosing a research data repository

This guide is intended to provide advice and support on open access research, including guidance around Durham Research Online (DRO), open access publishing, research data management and related topics.


Many funders and journal publishers require researchers to publish their (anonymised) research data in an open data repository unless there are ethical, legal or commercial reasons for not doing so.  A data repository is a system or service where researchers can deposit their research data and obtain a DOI.  The general principle is to make your research data as open as possible, as closed as necessary.  Not all repositories have controls to support restricting access to datasets.  If you have qualitative research data, please read this guidance on Making qualitative data re-usable.  Three types of repository are described below.  Please contact the Research Data Manager, Nicholas Syrotiuk, if you have a query about data repositories or publishing research data.

Institutional repository

Durham University has it's own research data repository.

It's available for all staff and postgrads at no charge.  We currently accept deposits up to 700 Gb.  You will receive personalised support.  See: Guidance on publishing research data in the University's data repository.

Multi-disciplinary repository

All of these are well established and widely used.

Subject-specific repository

Provided you find a suitable repository, this is a good choice because others might find your research data by browsing.   Try finding a subject-specific repository on the FAIRsharing website.

Some examples: