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Archives and Special Collections: Durham University Records: Related Archives

Our collections

Papers of University academics and administrators held as separate collections, or within the general series of Additional Manuscripts or Small Gifts and Deposits, or within departmental or college archives:

Claude C. Abbott (1889-1971), Professor of English 1932; papers, also his literary manuscripts

Henry W. Acomb, University Librarian 1934, administrative files

Louis Allen (1922-1991), Lecturer 1948 then Reader 1983 in French; books, research papers and correspondence on Japan and WW2

Malcolm P. Applebey (-1957), Chair of Council; correspondence (Add.MS. 1656)

J. Vernon Armitage, Dean of Colleges 1988; administrative papers

James Barber, Master of Hatfield 1980, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1987; administrative papers as Master and PVC

Eric Birley (1906-1995), Lecturer 1931 then Professor 1956 of Archaeology, Master of Hatfield 1949; slides

Doreen Bretherton (1923-1969), Philosophy Lecturer 1960; lecture notes

W. Patrick Bridgewater, Professor of German; notes on German WW1 literature (Add.MS. 1606-1611)

Jenny Britnell (1943-2011), Professor of French; collection of research materials (Add.MS. 1774)

Karl Britton (1909-1983), Professor of Philosophy 1951; research files and correspondence

David H.M. Brooks (1940-1994), Lecturer in Anthropology 1968; research and administrative papers with audiovisual material

Tim P. Burt, Professor of Geography and Master of Hatfield 1987; administrative files as Master with some Geography

Brian Cheesman 1931-), Deputy Librarian 1967; administrative files

Temple Chevallier (1794-1873), Professor of Mathematics 1835, Professor of Astronomy 1841, Reader in Hebrew, Registrar 1835, Deputy-Warden; administrative correspondence (Add.MS. 837), daughters’ correspondence/memoir (Add.MS. 1733 & 1786)

Sir Derman G. Christopherson (1915-2000), Vice-Chancellor 1960; administrative papers

John Clarke (1929-2018), Professor of Geography, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1984; administrative papers

Bertram Colgrave (1888-1968), Lecturer 1920 and Reader 1930 in English, Public Orator 1939; Old and Middle English notes (Add.MS. 1624)

Peter D.B. Collins, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1991; administrative papers

Dame Rosemary Cramp (1929-), Lecturer 1955 then Professor 1971 of Archaeology; slides

Dawson Dawson-Walker (1868-1934), Principal of St John’s College 1911, Van Mildert Professor of Divinity 1919; books and articles

Robin Dix (1956-2007), English Lecturer 1991; Mark Akenside books and research files

Rachel E.D. Donaldson, Principal of Women’s Hostel/St Mary’s College 1915; photo album

A. Ian Doyle (1925-2018), Library 1950, Keeper of Rare Books 1959, Reader in Bibliography 1972; books and papers, and administrative files

Sir James F. Duff (1898-1970), Warden and alternating Vice-Chancellor 1937; administrative papers

Sir Kingsley Dunham (1910-2001), Professor of Geology 1950; reminiscences (Add.MS. 1427) and slides

Henry Ellershaw, Classics Lecturer 1889, Professor of English, Master of University College 1919, Vice-Chancellor 1930; books

Peter A. Evans (1929-2018), Music Lecturer 1953; student lecture notes and academic papers

Thomas S. Evans (1816-1889), Professor of Greek 1862; sermons and speeches

Adam S. Farrar (1826-1905), Professor of Divinity 1864; Philosophy lecture notes

Margaret Fergusson, Principal of St Mary’s College 1940; administrative files

Ian J.C. Foster (1908-1978), University Library 1946; Christian architecture slides and photo albums, also thesis about him (Add.MS. 2054)

Joseph T. Fowler (1833-1924), University Librarian 1873, correspondence (Add.MS. 457, 1290-1292, 1357) & memoirs (Add.MS. 770-771)

Harry E. Gaylord (d2006), Theology Honorary Fellow 1999; books

Roy Gazzard (1923-2016), Geography Lecturer 1970, Director of the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 1979; correspondence, papers and photographs

C.W. (Jack) Gibby (1902-1989), Chemistry Lecturer 1926, Archaeology Honorary Research Associate 1968; local history research and teaching materials, photographs, maps, printed ephemera, also reminiscences (Add.MS. 1399-1400 & 1592-1593), class notes (Add.MS. 1928), photo album

Barry S. Gower, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1994; administrative papers

Stanley L. Greenslade (1905-1977), Professor of Divinity 1943; collection of deeds

John T.D. Hall, University Librarian 2009; administrative files

James Haworth (1853-1942), Principal of St Hild’s College 1888; photo album

Percy C. Heawood (1861-1955), Lecturer 1885 and Professor 1910 of Mathematics, Censor of St Cuthbert’s Society 1897, Vice-Chancellor 1926; recollections (Add.MS. 1466 & 1591)

Irene Hindmarsh (1923-2019), Principal of St Aidan’s College 1970, PVC 1982; administrative files

Jennifer Hobbs, Principal of St Mary’s College 1999; administrative files

Mary Holdsworth, Principal of St Mary’s College 1962; administrative files

Sir Fred G.T. Holliday (1935-2016), Vice-Chancellor 1980; administrative papers

Arthur Holmes (1890-1965), Reader in Geology 1924; papers and correspondence

Francis C. Hood, Professor of Political Theory and Institutions 1946; reminiscences (Add.MS. 1401-1402) and book revisions (Add.MS. 1581)

C. Roy Hudleston (1905-1992), Palaeography Lecturer and Hatfield Bursar 1955; local history papers and correspondence

Nina Joachim (1914-1997), Principal of St Hild’s College 1951; memoir

Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878), Professor of Greek 1835 and then Divinity 1840; Divinity lecture notes

Frank B. Jevons (1858-1936), Master of Hatfield 1896, Professor of Philosophy 1910, Vice-Warden 1902, Vice-Chancellor 1910; Philosophy research papers and sermons

James F.W. Johnston (1796-1855), Reader in Chemistry 1838; journal (Add.MS. 1498)

William T. Jones (1864-1932), University Architect 1893; Durham slides

Charles E. Kellett (1903-1978), Lecturer to Dental Students 1950 (Newcastle 1963); books, research papers and slides

Joan Kenworthy (b1933), Principal of St Mary’s College 1977; administrative files

Evelyn M. Kisch (1912-1945), Music Lecturer; thesis and memoir (Add.MS. 1462)

Deborah Lavin, Principal Designate of a New Howlands College 1992; correspondence and administrative files

Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947), History Honorary Fellow 1939; correspondence and some research papers

E.H. Longbottom, Science tutor 1937; Fourah Bay handover notes (Add.MS. 906)

John Lough, Professor, recollections (Add.MS. 1794) and research materials (Add.MS. 1966-1976)

William D. Lowe (1879-1922), University College Junior Censor and Classics Tutor 1903; military papers

John Lumsden, University Library 1968; programmes (Add.MS. 1732) and administrative files

Agnes M. McAulay, University Librarian 1989; administrative files

Malcolm J. MacDonald (1901-1981), Chancellor 1971; personal and official papers

Angus A. Macfarlane-Grieve (1891-1970), Military Lecturer and University College Bursar 1923, Master of University College 1939 and Hatfield 1940, Sub-Warden 1948; diary (Add.MS. 485), newspaper cuttings (Add.MS. 1571), scrapbooks, photo albums

W. Grigor McClelland (1922-2013), Visiting Professor of Business Administration 1977; administrative papers

Gordon Manley (1902-1980), Geography Lecturer 1928, Observatory Curator 1931; weather records and teaching materials, also correspondence on meteorology (Add.MS. 851)

Graham R. Martin, Chemistry Lecturer c1949; reminiscences (Add.MS. 778)

Sir Irvine Masson (1887-1962), Professor of Chemistry 1924; some papers (Add.MS. 1381) and some administrative papers

Geoffrey Midgley (1921-1997), Philosophy Lecturer 1949 (Newcastle 1963); academic papers

Mary Midgley (1919-2018), Philosophy Lecturer 1962 (Newcastle 1963); academic papers

Andrew P. Miller (1930-2011), Extra-Mural Lecturer 1956; effects (Add.MS. 1856)

W.T.W. (Dai) Morgan (1927-2020), Geography Lecturer 1968; Sudan photographs

Arthur Moyes (1926-2017), Geography Research Fellow 1972, Hatfield Trust; Hatfield books research files

W. Roy Niblett (1906-2005), Education Lecturer (Armstrong) 1934, King’s Registrar 1940; memoirs (Add.MS. 901-902)

Michael O’Neill (1953-2018), Lecturer 1979 and Professor of English; administrative and research papers and poems

Edward G. Pace (1881-1953), Theology Lecturer 1907 and Reader 1921, Vice-Master of Hatfield, 1917, Director of Extra-Mural Studies 1920s; Extra-Mural correspondence and Theology/Extra-Mural lectures

Friedrich A. Paneth (1887-1958), Professor of Chemistry 1939; amber slides, also papers (Add.MS. 745-751, 779-780, & 1456)

J. Eric Parsons, Archaeology Technician 1960s; Archaeology dig photos

Alan J. Piper (1944-2012), Tutor in Palaeography 1968; research files and books

Michael R. Prestwich, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1992; administrative papers

W. Arthur Prowse (1907-1981), Master of Van Mildert College 1964; correspondence

David G. Ramage (1907-1986), Deputy Librarian 1930, University Librarian 1945, recollections and notes (Add.MS. 1407-1408), administrative papers

Graham E. Rodmell (1926-1994), French Lecturer 1966, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1988; administrative papers, and History of St Aidan’s College files

Dame Enid Russell-Smith (1903-1989), Principal of St Aidan’s College 1963; administrative files  and correspondence

Ralph A. Sampson (1866-1939), Professor of Mathematics 1896 and Astronomy 1908; administrative papers as astronomer, also notebook (Add.MS. 1443)

Len Slater (1908-1999), Reader in Geography and Master of University College, recollections (Add.MS. 752)

Hedley R.D. Sparks (1908-1996), Theology Lecturer & Censor of University and Hatfield Colleges, memoir (Add.MS. 1657)

Edward V. Stocks (1870-1934), University Librarian 1901; administrative files

Thomas W. Thacker (1911-1984), Reader 1938 and Professor 1945 in Hebrew, Director of the School of Oriental Studies 1951; administrative files

J. David Thomas (b1931), Reader 1979 then Professorial Fellow 1990 in Papyrology; academic correspondence

Charles Thorp (1786-1862), Warden 1832; correspondence and papers

Dennis G. Tuck (1929-), Professor of Chemistry, memoir (Add.MS. 904)

Frank A.J. Utting (1905-1989), Fourah Bay Lecturer, photographs (Add.MS. 2061)

Wolfgang von Leyden (1911-2004), Lecturer 1946 and Reader 1962 in Philosophy, thesis and research notes (Add.MS. 2018)

Lawrence R. Wager (1904-1965), Professor of Geology 1944; slides

C. David Watkinson, Deputy Librarian 1990; university history research papers and newspaper cuttings

Charles E. Whiting (1871-1953), Professor of History 1931, collected documents (Add.MS. 1100-1131)

Charles T. Whitley (1808-1895), Reader in Natural Philosophy and Mathematics 1833, University Librarian; correspondence (Add.MS. 834)

Thomas A. Whitworth (1917-1979), Master of Hatfield 1957; administrative and rugby files

Marjorie Williamson (1913-2002), Principal of St Mary’s College 1955; administrative files

Dudley B. Wilson (1923-1995), Lecturer 1953 and Professor 1980 in French; books

Alan Wiper (1932-1973), Chemistry Chief Technician 1946; historic architecture photographs

Tim E. Yates (1935-2016), Cranmer Hall Tutor 1963 and Warden 1971; administrative and course files

Former students who have left records or items from their time at the university and their college:

Hubert J. Armstrong 1917-c.1980, (failed BA 1940, University), academic papers

John Bates, (BA 1969, Hatfield), photos including RAG and Geography

Nancie Blenkinsop, (Teacher’s Certificate 1932, St Hild’s), certificates

Roland P. Butterfield, (BA 1909, BD 1925, University), programmes and certificates

Nancy Caldwell, (Teacher’s Certificate 1939, Neville’s Cross), photos

C.C. Chevallier 1834-1884, (LTh 1856, Hatfield), certificates (SGD 132)

Thomas M. Clayton sr 1870-1949, (MB/BS 1894, MD 1905, Medicine), certificates (Add.MS. 1734)

Thomas M. Clayton jr 1907-2000, (MS/BS 1933, MD 1943, King’s), certificates (Add.MS. 1734)

Ian Cowburn 1917-2005, (BA 1940, Bede), photos

Doreen Cradock, (BCom 1939, King’s), exam papers (Add.MS. 1708)

Tony C. Craig, (?BA 1964, Bede), rowing ephemera

Jack G. Crawford 1906-1977, (Teacher’s Certificate ?1925, Bede), textbooks

Hilda Dukes 1886-1976, (Teacher’s Certificate 1908, St Hild’s), photos

Walter S. Dunn, (BA 1951), History lecture notes and essays

Jeffrey R. Farlam 1925-2007, (BSc 1950, University), RAF short course and Geology notes

Fred Forcer, (Teacher’s Certificate 1914, Bede), photo album

Alison C. Foster, (BSc 1981, St Mary’s), scrapbook

Henry Y. Ganderton, (BA 1914, St John’s), lecture notes and certificates

Dorothy Gardner, (?Teacher’s Certificate c1920, St Hild’s), History and Divinity notes

K.B. Gibson, (BA 1937, University), Philosophy essays, letters, testimonials

Ernest J. Golledge, (Teacher’s Certificate 1894, Bede), certificates etc

G.T. Gordon, (Teacher’s Certificate 1913, Bede), photo album

George E. Gray, (BA 1935, Armstrong), artefacts (Add.MS. 1806)

Bill Gunston, (RAF course 1946), DUAS photos

Wade Hall-Craggs, (BSc 1988, Grey), rowing diaries (Add.MS. 1703) and photo albums

Nellie Hanson, (BA 1926, St Mary’s), photo album

A.F. Hemmings, (BA 1968, University), History ephemera

Frederick S. Herbert, (BA 1935, Hatfield), certificates

Mary ‘Pollie’ Hindmarsh 1872-1895, (Teacher’s Certificate 1892, St Hild’s), album

Robert Hogg d1915, (Teacher’s Certificate 1913, Bede), photos

Hubert E. Horton, (BA 1906, Hatfield), certificates

Annie H. Hossent 1892-1971, (Teacher’s Certificate 1912, St Hild’s), memoir and photos

Hilary W. Jackson, (BA 1940, St Chad’s), memoir (Add.MS. 1658)

Jane A. Jones, (?BA 1962, St Aidan’s), ephemera

Laurence G. Jones, (?BA 1969, Van Mildert), memoir and photos

Joyce Kewley 1921-1979, (PhD 1970), Archaeology thesis photos

Annie Lincoln, (Teacher’s Certificate 1916, St Hild’s), letters

Rose Lloyd-Evans, (BA 1910, Women’s Hostel), photo album

Gavin M. Macfarlane-Grieve, (BA 1916, University), rowing photos

James A. McKeon 1906-1988, (MB/BS 1930, Medicine), certificates (Add.MS. 1952)

Lindsay McNeill, (BA 1950, St Aidan’s), reminiscences

John E. Matthews, (BSc 1953, Hatfield), photos and memoirs

Bill Oxley, (BSc 1961, Hatfield), Physics notes (Add.MS. 1683)

Mary M. Payne b1922, (Teacher’s Certificate 1942, St Hild’s), certificates, testimonials, and dissertation

Herbert P. Raine 1919-2011, (BSc 1940, Bede), certificates, testimonials and ephemera

Elizabeth A.F. Read (BA 1950, St Aidan’s), scrapbook

Clifford Richmond, (BMus 1910), certificates (Add.MS. 2010)

Louis Robinson, (MB/BS 1889, MD 1891, Medicine), certificates (SGD 36)

Charles J. Saunders, (LTh 1907, University), photo album

David Scott, (Teacher’s Certificate 1914, Bede), postcards

Brian Shillaker, (BSc 1956, PhD 1959, Hatfield), Chemistry notes and photos

Lillian Smith, (Teacher’s Certificate 1917, St Hild’s), memoir

Ros Taylor (?BA 1967, St Aidan’s), memoir

Julia Tolley (?BA 1960, St Aidan’s), scrapbook

Charles F. Turnbull 1877-1968, (BA 1899, University), memoir (Add.MS. 1618)

James Turnbull, (Teacher’s Certificate 1861, Bede), memoir

Alexander F. van der Hayden, (BA 1898), Maths, Chemistry, Physics notebooks (Add.MS. 1447)

Stephen Walker, (BA 1930, St John’s), photos

Monica C. Walmsley, (BSc 1942, St Mary’s), photographs (Add.MS. 1663)

William V. Walmsley, (BA 1912, Hatfield), photographs (Add.MS. 1663)

Laura ?Watts, (Teacher’s Certificate ?1878, St Hild’s), album of poems and memoirs

Henry D. Wetton 1862-1928, (BMus 1891, DMus 1903), certificates (Add.MS. 1834)

Peter Wildman, (BA 1959, Hatfield), photos

James Wilkinson, (Teacher’s Certificate 1911, Bede), photo album

Geoffrey A. Williams, (BA 1938, University), reminiscences

Christine Wood, (Teacher’s Certificate 1953, Neville’s Cross), scrapbook

Belle Woodburn, (?Teacher’s Certificate 1906, St Hild’s), album of poems and drawings

Samuel A. Woodhead, (BSc 1896, Armstrong), certificates (Add.MS. 1706)

Other ASC collections with significant quantities of university-related material:

Durham Cathedral Archive contains much on the deans and canons who were heavily involved in the running of the university for its first 80 years.

Fillingham's photographic archive includes images of university college, departmental, sporting and Union Society groups 1974-1996.

Local Collection contains many histories of the university, its colleges and other educational institutions with which the university has been involved, such as Newcastle University. The many histories of Durham in all its aspects include information on the university. There are also runs of university serials and journals, and reports and single publications of the university.

Samuel Smith papers, including letters re the establishment of the university.

Van Mildert papers, including correspondence re the establishment of the university in 1832 by William van Mildert, bishop of Durham.

Availability online (digital images)

These collections have not been digitised, so that only the catalogues are currently available online.

If you would like to purchase digital copies of specific items from any of our collections, please get in touch.

If you are a member of teaching staff at Durham University and would like to use material from Archives and Special Collections within your lectures or seminars, we may be able to scan or photograph items for this purpose.  Please contact us as early as possible with any teaching digitisation requests.

See also our guide to Digitised Collections Online for further information on our digital resources.

Access to original sources

Our collections are at one of two sites.

  • Palace Green Library: open Monday to Thursday (by appointment only), 10am to 4:30pm
  • Ushaw Library:  open Thursday and Friday by advance arrangement, 10am-4pm (with lunchtime closure)

For disruption due to roofing works in 2024-2025, visit our guide.  To make an appointment, please use our enquiry form.  Appointments need to be made at least three working days in advance (at least three weeks notice is required for items at Ushaw), and we will need to know the full list of document references or shelfmarks of the items you wish to consult before we can confirm your booking. If you are unsure of how to do this or need assistance please contact us and we will be happy to help.

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Details of opening times can be found in our Library Sites guide.

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