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Support for Research Staff & Research Students

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James Bisset
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Welcome to Library Research Support: Support for Research Staff & Students


Welcome to the guide for Research Support. This Guide is aimed primarily at Research Staff and Research Students at the university, although some of the information may be relevant to anyone who is undertaking research or academic publishing at any point in their academic career. The tabs above will help you navigate this guide, taking you guidance on finding and managing information, publishing and authorship, evaluating research impact and open research.

University Library & Collections Research Support is provided by the Senior Manager: Library Research Services, the Open Access Team, the Research Data Management Officer and colleagues across the service.


The Planning your research pages highlight services within the Library and across the University which may be of use when at the stage of generating ideas for a research project, or preparing a funding application.


The Research Skills and Our Collections aim to provide you with the tools and guidance you require from the Library and Collection Services ot support your research. 

  • Research Skills highlight skills, tools and approaches to effectively finding and managing information for literature reviews and systematic reviews.
  • Our Collections highlights the collections available for your subject, from across our subject, archive and museum collections.


The Sharing your Research pages provide policy and guidance to support you publishing and disseminating the outcomes of your research. This includes a range of content aimed at researchers across their research career.

  • Where to publish? Guidance on identifying appropriate journals an publishers, and for new researchers, things to consider around peer review, intended audience and predatory publishers.
  • Authorship and acknowledgements highlights guidance and policy requirements around how you ensure the accurate awarding of credit to all contributors to your research.
  • ORCID and Author IDs provides information and support for managing your various author IDs which you may be required to have, or arent' aware you have, in the scholarly publishing landscape.
  • Social Media for Researchers highlights guidance in using online platforms and social media to raise the visibility of your research output.
  • ISBNs and ISSNS provides information for how to register an ISBN or ISSN for a new research output if you or your department is looking at self-publishing, or publishing under the Durham University imprint.


The Evaluate your Research Visibility pages provide guidance to help researchers understand how research output can be (or is being) evaluated, strategies for maximising the cite-ability of publications, and what policies and support researcher's and research managers should be aware of at Durham University.

  • Responsible Metrics highlights policy and guidance at Durham University to help ensure the appropriate use of publication and citation research indicators.
  • Rankings & the REF provides showcases how and where citation and publication metrics in some of the major university rankings and assessment excercises.
  • Publication Metrics provides an overview of some fo the commonly used publication and citation metrics, and some of the issues to be aware of when using them (or if being based on them).
  • Maximising Cite-ability highlights strategies and examples from authors as to how maximise the discoverability and visibility of your research to potential readers.
  • Altmetrics highlights how to access and make use of alternative metrics - to capture usage beyond traditional scholarly citation based use of your research outputs.


The Open Research pages provide information about open access, open data and open science more broadly. This includes highlighting the benefits of open access, and the aims of research funders, as well as how authors at Durham can make their research open access.

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